Your Attitude in Waiting: Obedience Over Haste

Your Attitude in Waiting: Obedience Over Haste - 1 Samuel 13:8

He waited seven days, the time set by Samuel; but Samuel did not come to Gilgal, and Saul’s men began to scatter.

1 Samuel 13:8 NIV

Saul had waited seven days for Prophet Samuel to arrive, and his patience was about to be rewarded. However, as the seventh day approached, Saul made a critical mistake. Sometimes, the issue isn’t just about waiting, but about your attitude during the waiting season. How do you wait? What do you embody while waiting?

Saul had received clear instructions: he was to wait for Samuel to return in seven days. Unfortunately, on that very day, Saul became swayed by the events around him. The men he led into battle were fearful and restless, and their fear became Saul’s own. Driven by their reactions, Saul chose to act independently, offering a sacrifice, something only the prophet was authorised to do. His desire to appease the people overshadowed the need to obey God’s instruction.

As a child of God, there will be times when you need to wait for God’s promises to manifest. However, when those moments come, will you maintain your trust in God’s timing? Saul faltered because he allowed external pressures to dictate his actions, losing sight of God’s clear instructions. Just when Saul acted, Samuel arrived—demonstrating that God’s timing was perfect, but Saul’s impatience led him astray.

In his mind, Saul thought he was doing the right thing. He believed offering the sacrifice would ensure God’s involvement in their impending battle. Yet, the prophet’s instruction to wait was crucial. In that moment, Saul relied on human wisdom, shaped by the fear and anxiety of those around him, rather than on God’s word.

It would be tragic, after waiting for so long for God’s promises, to act hastily at the last moment. Saul’s impatience highlights the danger of focusing on the surrounding circumstances rather than on God’s direction. Remember, the instruction was clear—wait seven days. No specific time was given, but obedience was required.

When life presents delays, will you trust in God’s timing? Or will you act out of fear, thinking you are helping God? Let your attitude in waiting reflect patience and total trust in God. Never allow fear or external pressures to dictate your actions. The enemy often magnifies fear, urging you to rush where God has called for patience. Stay grounded in God’s word and wait with the right heart. Don’t allow the devil to push you out of God’s instruction. It is very disastrous!

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One thought on “Your Attitude in Waiting: Obedience Over Haste

  1. Tonia

    A timely word 🙇


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