Yoked Yet Drifting: The Danger of Unequal Connections - Numbers 25:3 Yoked Yet Drifting: The Danger of Unequal Connections - Numbers 25:3

Yoked Yet Drifting: The Danger of Unequal Connections

So Israel yoked themselves to the Baal of Peor. And the Lord’s anger burned against them.

Numbers 25:3 NIV

Yoking is the intentional joining of one thing to another. It could be for animals or between people. Meanwhile, God expects us to be yoked with Him. It is sacrilegious if we, as believers, are yoked together with anything outside of God. The standard of the Lord will never change at any point. This means we cannot tilt towards any form of unrighteousness irrespective of the circumstances. 

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

2 Corinthians 6:14 KJV

The children of Israel got to Shittim and lost every sense of their yoking with God. They started joining in sexual immorality with the Moabite women. The people of Israel forgot that there was a covenant that God had with them. So, they started to bow to other gods. Because of this unequal yoking, the anger of the Lord kindled against them. Are we going to say that their location caused them to fall out of relationship with God? There is nothing that would serve as an excuse to affirm falling out of yoke with God.  

So, what have you yoked with? Is your connection still with the Lord? Has your environment not caused you to fall out of connection with the Lord? Beloved, it is important to take inventory of your connection. Samson did not know that he had become unyoked with God. His thought was to continue his exploits. He did not know that what locked him with God had gone. You might be experiencing enjoyment with sin but remember that God is of a purer eye, and He cannot behold iniquity. The anger of the Lord kindled against them and the effect was destruction.  

Today, go back to the place of your yoking. It is time to rebuild the broken connection. Separate yourself from every unholy yoking. It is time to live a life fully sold out to the Lord. Let nothing separate you from your love for Christ. The world will always be enticing but remember you belong to the Lord.

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