Willingness in Action: Isaiah’s Example of Service

Willingness in Action: Isaiah's Example of Service - Isaiah 6:8

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

Isaiah 6:8 NIV

After Isaiah underwent purification, he was ready for God’s use. His willingness was essential. God called out, “Who will go for us?” This was a call for someone to reveal God’s glory in the land. Isaiah, full of desire and readiness, answered the call, demonstrating his willingness for the service.

God calls people to take responsibility for revealing the government of Jesus to the world. However, those who answer must first possess a deep desire for the work. The attitude of a believer should reflect readiness and eagerness to fulfil the task God has assigned. In our present time, God expects us to take on the role of going into the world to preach the Gospel. Like Isaiah, when we decide to say yes to the call, God will provide instructions on how to proceed. The instruction is clear: go and declare the mind of Christ.

Your willingness to carry the Gospel will determine whether you receive the necessary instructions to carry it out. God closely observes the condition of your heart. Are you ready to minister to the broken-hearted? Jesus, when He came into the world, had a strong desire to accomplish the work of the One who sent Him. Wherever He went, He affirmed that the Spirit of God was upon Him, empowering Him to fulfil His mission. It was His willing heart that propelled Him forward, even though He knew the painful outcome of bearing the world’s sins.

So, are you willing to take up the role of the sent and deliver God’s message? Will you accept the responsibility of evangelising the Gospel of Jesus with diligence? Also, are you ready to lay down your life to ensure the mind of Christ is established, even in these end times? Will you leave what is familiar and trust God with new assignments? Your willingness is key to being used by God. Albeit He will not compel anyone to do His work. It is those who willingly accept the call that He entrusts with His message. How willing are you to fulfil God’s call on your life?

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