Where Are You? God is Calling You Back Home - Genesis 3:9 Where Are You? God is Calling You Back Home - Genesis 3:9

Where Are You? God is Calling You Back Home

But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”

Genesis 3:9 NIV

God’s question to Adam after the fall—“Where are you?”—resonates deeply even today. It’s not a question of physical location but a call to examine our spiritual state. Where are you spiritually? Are you dwelling in God’s presence, or have you wandered away, chasing after the fleeting promises of the world? When Adam and Eve stepped outside God’s will, they found themselves exposed and vulnerable, losing the glory and protection they once enjoyed. This question challenges us to evaluate whether we are still rooted in Christ or have become spiritually distant.

After God created the heavens and the earth and everything in it, He made man. He did not just make man; He positioned him rightly and gave him an assignment. There was nothing man had to go and look for outside the garden because God had already made provisions for him. All he had to do was take care of the garden. In addition, it was God who thought it necessary to create a woman who would be a helpmeet for the man.

What a life of ease man has when he is resident in God! Because Adam was totally in the Lord, it was not his duty to source what he would eat or drink. This shows that when you are not resident in God, you will struggle to get what you need. The life we have been called to is one where you only yield yourself to the leading of the Master, and all other things will be added unto you.

However, man fell in the garden, and God had to be asking, “Where are you?” The moment you are no longer in Christ Jesus, you have become missing. You could be visible to people, but in the scheme of God, you are nowhere to be found. You become missing in action in the environment of God and your assignment.

The question for you today is: where are you? Is your space vacant? Have you decided to chase after the things of this world that promised you will be wiser than God? All the schemes of your enemy are to paint a picture of a life that is better out there. However, you need to understand that there is nothing better there. Why do you think you can survive outside of the One who created you?

Consider the story of the prodigal son. He had everything in and with his father. But there came a time he felt there was more. He collected his share of the inheritance and left the environment of covering. The glory of his father, which covered him and gave him protection, was lifted from him, just like Adam and Eve. He squandered everything and ended up with the swine, struggling to eat with pigs. Thank God he went back to his father.

Beloved, there is no more out there. What more are you looking for that is not in Jesus? Do not allow the devil to deceive you out of the covering of glory. You become exposed the moment you move out of God. So, stay with and in God. That is where your prosperity lies. You only succeed in Him because without Him, you can do nothing.

So, where are you? Are you still in Jesus, or have you gone outside to look for more? If you are not in Him, it is time to come back home. The Father is waiting for you. Why will you delay your return?

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