Walk in the Light: Fearlessly Navigating the Day with Jesus - John 11:9-10 Walk in the Light: Fearlessly Navigating the Day with Jesus - John 11:9-10

Walk in the Light: Fearlessly Navigating the Day with Jesus

Jesus answered, “Are there not twelve hours [of light] in the day? Anyone who walks in the daytime does not stumble, because he sees [by] the light of this world. But if anyone walks in the night, he stumbles, because there is no light in him.”

John 11:9-10 AMP

According to John 9:4, we must do the work assigned to us by the Father while it is still day. We must walk while we still have the light. The approaching night will bring an end to our ability to work. This emphasizes the need to prioritize and carry out our purpose without delay. We considered this night from the perspective of the inevitable night of old age and death. However, I realize that the Lord is pointing us in the direction of another kind of night. This night not only prevents people from walking so that they are unable to work but it causes them to stumble.

Let’s look at the contrast between the light of this world and the light in a man. I pray that God may cause us to know His heart concerning this issue.

Jesus replied, “Are there not twelve hours of daylight in every day? You can go through a day without the fear of stumbling when you walk in the One who gives light to the world. But you will stumble when the light is not in you, for you’ll be walking in the dark.”

John‬ ‭11‬:‭9‬-‭10‬ ‭TPT‬‬

There is a dangerous darkness that surpasses the night we are familiar with. It is the absence of the “light of Christ” within a person. This darkness emerges when a person no longer carries the light of God within them. However, when a person abides in the Lord Jesus, they can walk without stumbling. In Matthew 5:14, we are called to reflect Christ and be a shining light alongside Him. By remaining in Christ Jesus, the source of light, we not only shine but also avoid stumbling.

“If anyone walks in the night, he stumbles because there is no light in him.” It’s crucial to understand that the night mentioned here is not the natural night of aging or death. Rather, it signifies a person’s failure to remain in Christ. Those who lack the light of Christ within them are walking in darkness, destined to stumble and fall. Similarly, if we fail to shine as lights, how can we see and avoid stumbling? Our shining comes from wholehearted obedience to our Heavenly Father’s will.

This truth applies to every believer. As we walk in fellowship with the Lord, following His example (1 Peter 2:21), our light remains unquenched. There is no reason for an untimely night to engulf us, and no earthly power can prematurely extinguish our light before God’s appointed time. Beloved brethren, let us strive to keep our light shining, lest we stumble into the darkness of sudden night.

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