Waiting on God's Promises: In the Ark of Patience - Genesis 8:1 Waiting on God's Promises: In the Ark of Patience - Genesis 8:1

Waiting on God’s Promises: In the Ark of Patience

But God did not forget about Noah. God remembered him and all the animals that were with him in the boat. God made a wind blow over the earth, and all the water began to disappear.

Genesis‬ ‭8‬:‭1‬ ‭ERV‬‬

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where the wait seems endless? Waiting for something you’ve prayed for, with no clear end in sight? The story of Noah offers a glimpse of hope, but it also raises questions about how people might respond to uncertainties. The world outside the ark is engulfed in a devastating flood, covering the earth as far as the eye can see. Inside, Noah and his family face a daunting wait. Forty days and nights of torrential rain have given way to an uncertain period of confinement. In the face of such uncertainty, would they choose to trust the God who shut them in the ark, or would they seek alternative plans? The story of Noah offers profound insights into faith, patience, and the ultimate faithfulness of the Divine.

“Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made.”

Genesis 7:4 NIV

When God informed Noah of the impending flood, He mentioned only forty days of rain. Noah didn’t receive a timeline for when the waters would dry up. He did not know how long they would have to stay in the ark. While enduring this ‘new normal’ in the ark may appear challenging, the fate of those who could not make it into ark reminds us that they were indeed in a better position. After the forty days of rain, the uncertainty of when they would finally exit might have weighed on their spirits. Especially for Noah, ‘the man of God’, as he has to provide answer to those who were with him.

It is possible that Noah’s family became impatient about the fact there was no definite answer about their staying in the ark. Like the Israelites, in Exodus 16:1-3, they despised the victory of their deliverance because of food shortages. Although, they had just rejoiced after seeing how God delivered them from Pharaoh and his army. Indeed, they wished they had died in Egypt.

The Israelites said to them, “If only we had died by the Lord’s hand in Egypt! There we sat around pots of meat and ate all the food we wanted, but you have brought us out into this desert to starve this entire assembly to death.”

‭‭Exodus‬ ‭16‬:‭3‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Perhaps you can relate to such a situation. Are you currently facing a prolonged period of waiting? It might seem like others are receiving answers while your turn is uncertain. Don’t lose hope; your time will come. God, who called you to wait, remains faithful to His promises and their appointed seasons. Your waiting will ultimately bear fruit. Your matter is still very much alive in God’s sight. Though His work may be imperceptible to you right now, He asks you to keep the faith. Ensure that you maintain your steadfastness and purity of heart in His sight. Let sin not break the shield of protection He has placed around you.

Meanwhile, may I ask you, how much of food do you think Noah and his family would have carried with them into the ark? Certainly, not for the number of days they eventually stayed onboard. Yet, there was no noise about food shortage. So, while the devil may want you to focus only on those things you’re yet to get, can you please look around to count your blessings. Although, you’re still waiting, but don’t forget that only the living can wait. There are many blessings of God in your life right now, focus on them and put your mind at rest, knowing that God is faithful to fulfil His promises.

Furthermore, the scripture tells us: “But God did not forget about Noah”. Let me remind you that you are not forgotten. Your current circumstances, no matter how daunting, are not beyond God’s awareness. Likewise, they are not beyond God’s ability. He is actively working on your behalf, even when you cannot see it.

In conclusion, just as God remained faithful to Noah, He will remain faithful to you. Your waiting is not in vain, and the promises of God will come to pass. During this period of waiting, your faith should remain unshaken. Hold on, for God has not forgotten you, and He never will. God’s promises remain true, and in His perfect time, they will come to pass.

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