Wait on God: Unveiling the Power of Patient Faith - Isaiah 64:4 Wait on God: Unveiling the Power of Patient Faith - Isaiah 64:4

Wait on God: Unveiling the Power of Patient Faith

Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.

Isaiah 64:4 NIV

If there’s a man to wait for God’s commissioning and empowerment, there’s a God, faithful to act. He never disappoints; the God who acts for those who wait for Him. Moses tarried in God’s presence on the mountain, receiving everything needed for success on the mission God was sending him. With uncertainties about how his journey will unfold, he went with a heart that has learned to wait for God to act.

Albeit, with each of Pharaoh’s stubborn actions, Moses was back in God’s presence to give the situation update and wait for the next action. And God came through each time, with different instructions and guides. On some occasions, He performed the signs by Himself. On other occasions, He equipped Moses, until His purpose was fully established.

However, there is something called patient faith. It is a patient endurance mixed with trust that God will do His work. This faith is not determined by what you can see but by an assurance in the sovereignty of God. It is a faith that stands unwavering in the anticipation of God’s commissioning and empowerment.

So, the message is clear. If you learn the art of waiting on God, you can rest assured that He will come through for you. Just as Moses was led to his promised land, your patient faith will lead you to the fulfilment of God’s promises in your life. Meanwhile, in a world filled with haste and impatience, the call to wait on God stands as a counter-cultural invitation. It challenges us to embrace trusting that God’s timing is perfect and His actions on our behalf are sure. He will show signs and wonders to honour our patient faith in Him.

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