Micah 7:7 NIV Micah 7:7 NIV

Verse of the Day – Micah 7:7 NIV

But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Saviour; my God will hear me.

Micah 7:7 NIV

In this closing chapter of Micah, the prophet takes the place of an intercessor before God on behalf of the whole nation. He opened this chapter by describing how the level of wickedness and sin has grown exponentially among God’s people.

Yet, we can see his resolution from today’s verse. He would not settle among the company of sinners. And that is what I would like to draw your attention to at this moment. We can still serve God acceptably and enjoy His abundant blessings no matter the heights or depths of wickedness and sin in our society today.

Micah highlights the subject of seeking God (irrespective of the greatness of wickedness and sin in our society) as a personal and intentional decision. Whatever we would be or do in our pursuit of serving the Lord is expected to only spring from the place of our personal resolution and devotion to God. We can see how that played out in today’s verse: “…as for me”, “ I watch…”, “ I wait…”, “… my Saviour”, “ my God will hear me”.

You don’t need to wait until someone is ready to seek God with you before you start. God wants to have a personal relationship with you. So, until and unless the Lord has become ‘your God’ and ‘your Saviour’, and you’re in a steadfast watching and waiting for Him, you might never come to this place of firm assurance that He would hear you.

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