Verse of the Day – Jeremiah 33:3 GNT

Call to me, and I will answer you; I will tell you wonderful and marvelous things that you know nothing about.

Jeremiah 33:3 GNT

Isn’t it wonderful that the God of the universe invites us to call Him? The Almighty is readily available to answer all that would come and commune with Him.

Just so you know, the invitation is not limited to a particular time or situation, not even to a specific group of people. So, you would not need to run here and there looking for someone to call on the Lord on your behalf.

God is inviting us all into a place of personal fellowship, where He reveals wonderful and marvelous things. It is the place of revelation, where the hidden truth and mystery of the kingdom are made known even to the lowliest of men. It is not the place where we come to argue. It is the place for the poor in spirit and for those who hunger for righteousness.

Call with confidence to the Lord knowing that He would answer. He is not far away, so you can call him right where you are. Call and be willing to wait for His response. Don’t be in a haste.

Remember, He works with time.

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