YOURSOULFORCHRIST Verse of Day -James 1:26 CEV YOURSOULFORCHRIST Verse of Day -James 1:26 CEV

Verse of the Day – James 1:26 CEV

If you think you are being religious, but can’t control your tongue, you are fooling yourself, and everything you do is useless.

James 1:26 CEV

Imagine how important self-control (especially) of our tongue is, to the extent that it can determine the genuineness and acceptability of our religious activities. James 3:6 (EASY): “ And our tongue is like that fire. It has the power of everything in the world that is bad. It is a small part of the body but it can spoil the whole person. Like a fire, it can destroy all of a person’s life. It is a fire that comes from the fire of hell itself.”

It is important therefore, that we control, restrain, or tame the tongue. Words are very powerful; it can either build up or tear down, mend or break, bring peace or war, bring joy or pain, etc. As Christians, we must be intentional and cautious about the use of our words and more importantly, have control over our tongues.

Meanwhile there is sufficient grace for every believer in Christ Jesus to live the life- this self-controlled life through the help of the Holy Spirit. So, we should speak words of grace; we should edify one another with our words and glorify God with our tongues.

May we not worship in vain in Jesus’ name. Amen

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