1 John 4:1 1 John 4:1

Verse of the Day – 1 John 4:1 EASY

My friends, do not believe everyone who says that they speak God’s message. There are many false prophets who are travelling round everywhere. They say that they have a message from God’s Spirit, but really it is a false spirit. So, check their message carefully to see if it is really from God.

1 John 4:1 EASY

In the world, there is no truth without its counterfeit. No religion without hypocrites. No gold without tinsel, nor fruitful plantations without weeds. Indeed, the more active religious thought and life in any period is, the more numerous and plausible it is to have forms of religious delusions and imposture.

Now, it is the duty of everyone to whom the light of the gospel has shone to always ‘filter’ and sieve every spirit, in the light of God’s word that they may see clearly the source of every prophecy. You are not to assume because a man is a ‘minister’, he must be sound in his views, or faithful in his office, or exemplary in his life.

Many are deceived because they do not study God’s word for themselves. Rather, they want someone who will hear from God for them and talk to God on their behalf. Thus, they fall easily, even to cheap lies. Test every spirit. Bring every spirit under the Sovereignty of God.

To “test the spirits” as some other translations put is not to tempt the ministers. For God’s word tells us not be a source of temptation to anyone (Romans 14:13). However, God calls us to test the message of others to see whether it originates from Him or not.

As you check the messages around you, check within you to see if your spirit is correct. “We should not limit ‘test every spirit’ to other people” Check to see if pride or greed or any other thing is not the drive for your message. Check your message and allow people to check yours too when corrections come.

In conclusion, Jesus says in John 15:20 that “a servant is not greater than his master…” and in Mathew 15:14 that “If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.”, therefore, that we may preserve our souls from eternal destruction, let us check every message carefully to see if it is really from God. May God be with you. Amen

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