Unmasking the Myth: God Never Perverts Justice - Job 8:3 Unmasking the Myth: God Never Perverts Justice - Job 8:3

Unmasking the Myth: God Never Perverts Justice

Does God pervert justice? Does the Almighty pervert what is right?

Job 8:3 NIV

These questions call for a reflection of the nature of God. Firstly, God is inherently just and righteous. Consequently, He never perverts justice. Instead, He always upholds what is right and true. Ironically, in the face of challenges, we often forget this. God will never stop being fair. Nobody is as just as He is. So, Bildad’s question was rhetorical. Who can come and claim that God has been unfair? No one.

Likewise, God’s justice ensures that every action receives its due consequence. For instance, He rewards good deeds and punishes wrongdoings. Despite human injustices, we can trust in God’s ultimate fairness. Throughout the scriptures, we see God paying back all actions and inactions. Do you remember when we looked at the consequences of David’s actions? Adam and Eve received justice for their disobedience. Nothing can go past the sovereign eye of God. He sees all and he will repay.

Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.

Romans 12:19 NKJV

Therefore, we need to live daily in the consciousness that God will never forget any deed. You might think an unrighteousness has been swept under the carpet. However, remember that God does not pervert justice. It might seem that you have done some wrong things, and everything seems cool. Remember, God does not pervert justice. He can be merciful. But He will never compromise His nature. Look at Adam and Eve. God made everything needed available for them in the garden. They did not lack anything. However, God instructed that the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil should not be eaten. However, the serpent came and tempted them and they disobeyed this significant instruction.

Even though God showed them mercy in that they did not die physically, justice was served. He made provision for the redemption of mankind, but man reaped the consequences. In the mercy of God is also His justice. Every action will receive its due recompense either here or in eternity. Therefore, recognising this nature of God enables us to live in a manner that understands that justice will always prevail.

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