Depend on the Lord for strength. Always go to him for help.
Psalm 105:4 ERV
Won’t it be foolishness, knowing that you do not have the strength you need for a particular action, yet seeing someone who is willing to help you but fail to embrace such help? Perhaps this excuse might be granted when you, an ordinary person like yourself, offer help. But, when it is the King of kings and Lord of lords, then it is a grave mistake to neglect His unfailing strength.
If we must swim through the ocean of this world without being swept off by the storm or sinking into the evil therein, we have to ensure that we are firmly held by the Lord. For no other power can sustain us like His, and no strength compare to His. Additionally, we must completely surrender to Him in faith. As long as the Lord orders our steps and we fix our gaze on Him, we will walk without sinking, even if it is on water. We can be sure that the hand upholding us is with an unfailing strength. Furthermore, we will be able to run without stumbling.
Seek, inquire of and for the Lord, and crave Him and His strength (His might and inflexibility to temptation); seek and require His face and His presence [continually] evermore.
Psalm 105:4 AMPC
Let the man that realises his weakness and frailty seek the Lord. He should inquire of and for the Lord; let him acknowledge that there is no strength, knowledge, nor wisdom within him to help him through the journey of this life. Let such a man confess that he needs the Lord to keep him from falling into temptation. And this, let him do, not once, nor occasionally, but always and forever.
Do you need any help? Then ask the Lord. Are you weak? Depend on Him for strength. Don’t think you will get some strength and try to run on your own, for that will get you nowhere. Place all your reliance and trust for strength on Him. You can never be too strong for His help. Any slight moment of disconnection may drain you and leave you empty. Stay connected to the Source.