Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right: Jesus' Lesson on Change - Mark 3:23 Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right: Jesus' Lesson on Change - Mark 3:23

Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right: Jesus’ Lesson on Change

So Jesus called them over to him and began to speak to them in parables: “How can Satan drive out Satan?”

Mark 3:23 NIV

In this verse, Jesus confronts teachers of the law who accuse him of using demonic power to perform miracles. These individuals approached him with closed hearts, seeking fault rather than spiritual guidance. Their closed hearts blind them to the true source of this miraculous change – God’s power at work.

This passage offers valuable lessons, particularly Jesus’ response to the accusation: “How can Satan drive out Satan?”. This question transcends the immediate context and offers a timeless lesson. Jesus emphasises the impossibility of Satan driving out Satan. His response highlights a crucial truth: evil cannot conquer itself.

Imagine a marriage where a spouse desires positive change in the other but employs negativity to achieve it. Just as the Holy Spirit wouldn’t cause a husband to be a drunkard, negativity won’t lead to positive change. Similarly, a wife’s nagging cannot drive out her husband’s infidelity. These negative behaviours originate from the same “kingdom” of darkness – they are both works of the flesh. True, lasting change requires a different approach.

Jesus’ question illustrates this point: you cannot use “two wrongs” to make a right. This principle extends to all relationships. Whether at work, among friends, or with children, attempting to correct negative behaviour with negativity only intensifies the problem. Likewise, when faced with undesirable behaviour, resorting to negativity creates a “divided kingdom” destined to fall (Mark 3:24-26).

So, how do we promote positive change? The answer lies in rejecting negativity and embracing Christ’s teachings. His love and forgiveness are the true drivers of transformation. A wife seeking change in her husband can pray for him and model Christ-like behaviour. Similarly, a husband concerned about his wife’s negativity can show patience and understanding. By employing these virtues, we can truly foster positive change and build stronger relationships.

In conclusion, Jesus’ question, “How can Satan drive out Satan?” reminds us that negativity cannot overcome negativity. By embracing love, forgiveness, and Christ’s teachings, we can build strong relationships and foster positive change in ourselves and those around us.

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