Taking Action: Unveiling the True Faith - James 2:18 Taking Action: Unveiling the True Faith - James 2:18

True Faith in Action

But someone will say, “One person has faith, another has actions.” My answer is, “Show me how anyone can have faith without actions. I will show you my faith by my actions.”

‭‭James‬ ‭2‬:‭18‬ ‭GNT‬‬

The objects of faith indeed are invisible; an unseen God, an unseen Saviour, and an unseen world. But, faith itself is not so. Though it is an inward principle in the heart, yet true faith is made visible by its fruits.

True faith and works are inseparable. The only way others can see or know you have faith is by a life that demonstrates it. It is known by an external act, which is not practicable in those who have none.

The key to this verse lies in the word ‘show’. To show faith without works is simply an impossibility. If it exists at all in such a state, it exists in a passive or latent form in a man’s mind and cannot be shown to others.

Faith is not entirely denied to man, but living faith is. If faith does not prove itself by works it is dead, and of no value.

Therefore, those who pretend to have faith and are destitute for good works are awfully deceived. Such will one day be the scorn of men and angels, and even of God Himself. All works performed before faith, or while in a state of unbelief, are no better than dead works, and cannot be acceptable to God.

Works do not give value to faith, but it is faith that makes works acceptable.

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