The Way of the Lord: Following Closely for a Safe Journey - Psalm 1:6 The Way of the Lord: Following Closely for a Safe Journey - Psalm 1:6

The Way of the Lord: Following Closely for a Safe Journey

For the Lord knows and is fully acquainted with the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly [those living outside God’s will] shall perish (end in ruin and come to nought).

Psalm 1:6 AMPC

Have you ever gone on a journey on an unfamiliar road, and with no clear instruction for your directions? How easy and interesting was it? Not so great, I suppose. The journey through this life would not be anything else without the divine guidance. The way will not be hitch free. In fact, it would be more challenging unless we get the right direction from the one who knows it all.

Navigating a farm-land full of plantation with no clear pathway while carrying a heavy load is never an interesting experience. Can you imagine the intrigue and challenge of such a journey? Allow me to transport you to some years ago, when I used to embark on farming adventures with my dear mother. In those moments, we would tread through vast, lush farmlands with bountiful plantations. It was an experience unlike any other – the challenge of navigating this place with many confusing paths. These journeys, much like life’s path, demanded the right direction from the one who truly knows the way – God.

I’ve come to understand that the most effective approach for such a journey is to follow closely behind someone who knows the path well. Occasionally, I’ve attempted to lead from the front, hoping to receive guidance from those behind me. However, this strategy can be stressful for the person offering instructions from the rear. More often than not, I find myself heading in the wrong direction. In such cases, it’s only when the voice from behind redirects my path that I get back on track.

Similarly, the way in which a man walks and remain in right standing before the Lord is the right way that leads to life. It is the only way anyone may tread with the hope of finishing well. Attaining it involves obediently following the Lord’s steps and closely adhering to His instructions. The moment my guide comes to the front, I only have to make sure that beyond the necessary foot gap, I remain as close as possible. I must move close to know where and when to bend from the branches, and to jump from the mud. With such a close movement, one reaches home safely and without delay.

“…but the way of the wicked leads to destruction” (NIV). The way of the wicked never keeps a man in right standing before the Lord. For the wicked would not go in the way prescribed by the Lord. Instead of following closely in the steps of God, he pursues a different purpose for himself. He sees others that are going in a direction different from what God has planned for him. He then follows the multitude on their way while leaving his own path for the grass to grow.

“Not so the wicked [those disobedient and living without God are not so]. But they are like the chaff [worthless, dead, without substance] which the wind drives away” (Psalm 1:4 AMPC). There’s no stamina in the wicked. So, they are blown away by every wind of doctrine. They are blown now in one direction and the following minute in another. Therefore, their destruction is inevitable, for not only would there be no rest, but they would crash into many substances, each of which would only mar them.

In summary, the journey of life is akin to navigating an unfamiliar road. Without divine guidance, it can be challenging and uninteresting. The righteous, who closely follow God’s lead, find their way to life. Just as I’ve discovered that staying close to my guide ensures a safe and swift journey, our closeness to God and obedience to His instructions lead to a meaningful and purposeful life.

On the other hand, the wicked who diverge from the path set by the Lord, like chaff in the wind, are without substance and easily swayed. Their constant shifts and deviations lead to inevitable destruction. So, the choice is clear: walk closely with God, following His lead, and find life, or stray and be carried away by every wind, ultimately leading to ruin. May we choose the way that brings us closer to God and a life of purpose.

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