Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey—whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?
Romans 6:16 NIV
A person becomes subject to whatever they give their attention to, whether it’s another person, things, money, or relationships. This is profound because the text today shows that you become a slave to whoever or whatever you obey. We know the state of our hearts by observing where our obedience lies. A person who gives themselves to fleshly desires becomes hopelessly enslaved to the devil.
This enslavement began in the Garden of Eden when man disregarded God’s commands and obeyed the serpent. As a result, man lost dominion and inherited Satan’s rebellious nature by turning his attention away from God. The question is, do you not know that to whom you give yourself, you become their servant in your heart? Are you not aware that you serve the one to whom you give your obedience?
So, you can easily examine the state of your heart by closely looking at who or what you obey. Do you follow the instructions outlined in the scriptures, or do you obey your fleshly desires or the devil’s dictates? Have you given yourself to what pleases the devil, or are you committed to being a servant of righteousness?
The state of a person’s heart reveals itself through their obedience. You cannot serve two masters; you cannot claim to serve God while also serving the desires of the flesh. This is a call for serious reflection. We must all ask ourselves: Who are we serving? Is our service to God or the devil?
It is crucial to understand that serving the devil, or serving sin, leads to death. This calls for you and me to reflect deeply on where our obedience lies. Who do we give our attention to? What are the things pulling at the strings of our hearts, and who is behind them? Have we completely yielded ourselves to God, or are we serving the enemy?
It is our decision to make. Therefore, ask the Lord for help, so we can make the right choice about who and what we obey.