The Spirit of Leadership: Following in Joshua's Footsteps - Numbers 27:18 The Spirit of Leadership: Following in Joshua's Footsteps - Numbers 27:18

The Spirit of Leadership: Following in Joshua’s Footsteps

So the Lord said to Moses, “Take Joshua son of Nun, a man in whom is the spirit of leadership, and lay your hand on him.

Numbers 27:18 NIV

As humans, we have an inherent desire to follow, to seek guidance and direction from those we deem worthy of our trust. Leadership is an essential aspect of any community, organization, or nation.A leader is someone who guides, inspires, and motivates others to achieve a common goal. In the Bible, we see many examples of leaders who were chosen by God to lead His people. Joshua was one such example. God chose Joshua as the next leader of His people, not because of his popularity or charisma, but because of his spirit of leadership.

When Moses was nearing the end of his life, God knew His people needed a new leader to guide them into the Promised Land. Thankfully, Moses also realised and acknowledged the same need, so he prayed:

May the Lord, the God who gives breath to all living things, appoint someone over this community to go out and come in before them, one who will lead them out and bring them in, so the Lord’s people will not be like sheep without a shepherd.

Numbers 27:16-17 NIV

Meanwhile, God had already prepared a man for this task: Joshua, who had been Moses’ assistant. Joshua had followed Moses everywhere, even to the presence of God. He had accompanied Moses on the mountain when he received the covenant for the people. Moreover, Joshua regularly accompanied Moses into the Tent of Meeting, where he learned to approach God with reverence and humility. Sometimes he even stayed behind when Moses returned to the camp. Joshua had learned how to live a holy and sanctified life, a life always ready to approach God. This ability to maintain a holy and sanctified life was essential for a leader who would often need to intercede on behalf of the Israelites.

When the time came to appoint a new leader, God’s choice was clear and unwavering. He had located a man of exceptional leadership qualities, a man who had cultivated a deep connection with God and possessed the wisdom to guide His people.

God, being the ultimate Creator and Protector, understands this inherent human need for leadership. He Himself takes on the role of the Great Shepherd, watching over His flock with unwavering love and care. Just as a shepherd nurture and protects their sheep, God provides for His people, ensuring their physical and spiritual well-being. He guides them through trials and tribulations, leading them towards a brighter future. So, if He needs to find a human shepherd for His people, God ensures it is someone of like-minded; one who is able to fulfil His purpose.

Joshua’s appointment serves as a reminder that God seeks leaders. Those who are not self-serving or driven by personal ambition. Instead, He seeks individuals who are humble, faithful, and deeply connected to Him. One in whom is the spirit of leadership. God found this in Joshua and He appointed him as the leader to succeed Mose. Joshua was not perfect, but he was willing to follow God’s instructions and trust in his promises.

Meanwhile, God did not ask for anyone’s opinion or approval before appointing Joshua. He did not conduct a vote or a survey. He simply told Moses to lay his hand on him and transfer some of his authority to him. God knew what was best for his people, and he had a plan for their future.

As we reflect on this story, we can ask ourselves some questions: If God was looking for a leader in our generation, would he find us qualified? Would he see in us the spirit of leadership that he saw in Joshua? Would he be pleased with our lives and our service to him? Or would he be disappointed and frustrated by our lack of commitment and obedience?

Joshua may not have expected to become the leader of God’s people. He may not have dreamed Moses would never enter the promised land. Indeed, he may not have thought of leading the Israelites into the promised land. He was just a faithful servant, who chose to live in a way that pleased God. But because of his faithfulness, he was able to fulfil God’s purpose for his life.

We may not know what God has in store for us, but we can be sure that he has a plan and a purpose for each one of us. He wants us to be his faithful servants, who follow him wherever He leads us. He wants us to be his children, who enjoy his presence and his promises. Likewise, He wants us to be those who influence others for his glory.

In conclusion, just as Joshua dedicated himself to faithfully serving Moses, we too can prepare ourselves to fulfil God’s purpose for our lives. By cultivating a close relationship with Him, seeking His guidance in all aspects of our lives, and always striving to live in a way that is pleasing to Him, we can hope to be found worthy of carrying out His divine plans. God is looking for leaders who are faithful, obedient, courageous, humble, and wise. He is looking for leaders who are ready to approach him and to follow him. He is looking for men with the spirit of leadership, who are willing to fulfil his purpose for their lives. Are you one of those leaders?

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