Stop Being a Sloth! The Bible's Wake-Up Call for You - Proverbs 6:6 Stop Being a Sloth! The Bible's Wake-Up Call for You - Proverbs 6:6

Stop Being a Sloth! The Bible’s Wake-Up Call for You

Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!

Proverbs 6:6 NIV

The slowest animal in the world according to research is not the smallest one. One should have been safe to assume that the ant being a small insect should be, if not the slowest but one of the slow animals. The slowest animal in the world is the Sloth. The sloth’s sluggishness makes it a fitting comparison for the lazy person described in Proverbs 6:6. The Bible instructs us to “Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!”

Despite its size, the ant is a model of industry and perseverance. They tirelessly work together to gather food and build their colonies. The sluggard, on the other hand, makes excuses and avoids responsibility. Are you constantly putting things off until tomorrow? Do you struggle to get started on tasks, even important ones? This proverb challenges us to examine our habits. Consider the ant’s constant activity. They don’t wait for motivation to strike – they simply get to work. Can you adopt a more proactive approach to your life?

However, there is a need to awaken in the spirit to see that we need to take up the habits of the Ant. There is much at stake if we take up a sluggish position. God wants men to arise to work and take the gospel of Jesus to the ends of the earth. The sluggard will not be effective in this end time. Jesus said, ‘I must work the work of Him that sent me while it is day’. Are you working in the counsel of the Lord for these times? Are you not asleep in Zion? It is time to arise like never before. This is the time to be bold about the salvation you profess.

Moreover, God is seeking men with a burning zeal for the lost. It is time to be proactive. The thing about the Sloth is that it moves but at its own pace. It cannot be bothered if destinies are wasted away. Are you not that kind of a believer?

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