The Secret Place: Where Replenishment Meets Purpose - Mark 1:37 The Secret Place: Where Replenishment Meets Purpose - Mark 1:37

The Secret Place: Where Replenishment Meets Purpose

Simon and his companions went to look for him, and when they found him, they exclaimed: “Everyone is looking for you!”

Mark 1:36-37 NIV

Jesus went to a solitary place to pray. Simon and other disciples went looking for him but initially couldn’t find him. Eventually, they found him and exclaimed, “Everyone is looking for you.” The people seeking Jesus at that time were looking for something from him; they wanted something. Jesus understood that he couldn’t keep giving of himself without the Father replenishing him. This is why he went to the secret place.

If you continue to stay within the crowd, when it is time for you to be found to do something, it is very likely that you will not be able to do it. It is possible that it will be difficult for you to meet the needs of people at that time. The solitary place Jesus went to was where he could be alone with God. People will continue to look for you and want you to do something at all times. There will always be something on someone’s mind for you to do.

The crucial question is: When you receive the call to do something, will you answer from a place of replenishment? Will you be able to dispense the grace that you have received in your time of aloneness? When it is time to call upon you, what will we find? Will you be ready for the assignment that God has for you? Will you have adequately prepared yourself to be the instrument that God wants to use?

The earnest expectation of the creation eagerly awaits the manifestation of the sons of God. The world is waiting. Men are waiting. Will you not give yourself to staying in the secret place so that you will be endowed with power? Even when Jesus was going back to heaven, he told the disciples to stay in Jerusalem until the Spirit of God came upon them.

The moment of solitude is essential because a time will come when everyone will be looking for you. There will be a time when what you have internalised will be required. You will come to a time when men will need what is inside of you. If you have not taken the time to seek solitude, you will not be able to adequately give what God has given you. Embrace the solitary place of communion today. A time is coming when you will deliver what you have gathered. It is from the place of solitary communion that you receive the message. And it is that message that you will disseminate to the creation that is eagerly waiting. So, the secret place is calling you!

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