The Remnant: Your Role as a Living Stone in God's Plan - 1 Peter 2:5 The Remnant: Your Role as a Living Stone in God's Plan - 1 Peter 2:5

The Remnant: Your Role as a Living Stone in God’s Plan

You [believers], like living stones, are being built up into a spiritual house for a holy and dedicated priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices [that are] acceptable and pleasing to God through Jesus Christ.

1 Peter 2:5 AMP

God could not have left a “remnant” from any generation to make a nonentity out of them. He has a well-defined purpose for every life. For as many that would remain and not turn back unto perdition, they can be sure that God’s purpose for their lives will manifest.

We must never forget that everyone that would become a part of this remnant must believe – in Christ Jesus for their salvation. “Jesus answered, “I assure you; everyone must be born again. Anyone who is not born again cannot be in God’s kingdom.”” (John 3:3 ERV)

This is the first step for enlistment in the remnant God is looking for in this generation. This is the minimum requirement of becoming a citizen in God’s kingdom. There are responsibilities you would have to fulfil as a citizen of the kingdom. But may I tell you again that those responsibilities do not come before your salvation. You may have one or more employable gifts in the church service. You may also possess resources that you would like to offer. Though they might be accepted by pastors, but unless you are saved, they are not acceptable in God’s sight. Won’t you rather love to offer acceptable sacrifice unto the Lord? Then you must be born again.

Similarly, as “living stones,” we are growing towards a holy and dedicated purpose. Therefore, you must ensure that you continually remain holy and acceptable unto the Lord. “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person; for God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple.” (1 Corinthians 3:16-17 NIV)

Therefore, we must make sure that whatever we do, in word or deed, is acceptable and pleasing to God. We must ensure that our “living stone” does not become dead. Again, we must note that this can only be possible when we do it through Jesus Christ. By the power and ability that is available in Him. Albeit, for the only one purpose – to see His name glorified.

“You believers are like a building that God owns. That building was built on the foundation that the apostles and prophets prepared. Christ Jesus himself is the most important stone in that building. The whole building is joined together in Christ, and he makes it grow and become a holy temple in the Lord. And in Christ you are being built together with his other people. You are being made into a place where God lives through the Spirit.”

Ephesians 2:20-22 ERV

In conclusion, every believer is a unique living stone, forming a spiritual house. We are called to serve as part of a holy and dedicated priesthood. God has a purpose for each of our lives within this spiritual structure. He does not create remnants to be useless. However, the first and essential step to become a part of this remnant is being born again. Your salvation is the key that opens the door to participation in God’s kingdom. Once you’re born again, you’re enlisted as a living stone.

Furthermore, as a living stone, you must maintain your holiness and remain acceptable to the Lord. You must continually live in a way that is pleasing to Him. Through Jesus Christ, the foundation of our faith, we can achieve this and become a part of the temple where God’s Spirit dwells. Let us strive to ensure that our lives, as living stones, are a testimony to God’s grace and an offering of acceptable and pleasing sacrifices in His sight.

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