The Mountaintop Invitation: What Does Responding Mean? - Mark 3:14-15 The Mountaintop Invitation: What Does Responding Mean? - Mark 3:14-15

The Mountaintop Invitation: What Does Responding Mean?

He appointed twelve that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach and to have authority to drive out demons.

Mark 3:14-15 NIV

Following Jesus’ invitation to the mountaintop, we see that those who responded climbed with him. They followed him to a secluded place where the Lord desired their presence. These verses highlight the purpose behind the invitation, revealing the expectations that come with responding to God’s call in our own lives today.

The first point to note is that Jesus appointed twelve “that they might be with him.” Whatever God desires to accomplish in our lives can only be achieved through a close relationship with Him. The teachings, shaping, and preparation we need can only happen when we are with Him – on a “mountaintop” free from distractions. It’s a place of instruction, where He pours into us and works on our hearts. So, God invites everyone to this same place of intimacy, where He can “settle” on our lives, as The Message translation puts it. Without this settling, He cannot fulfil His purposes for us. No one can enter into God’s full purpose or meet His expectations without being on the “mountain” with Him. We cannot enter His purpose unless we remain with Him.

We also see the Lord’s intention to send the chosen ones out to preach. He has a mission for every life. Once He settles on our lives, He instructs, prepares, and prunes us to become vessels He can send out. A willing response is not enough for immediate use; there’s a necessary shaping required before we can fulfil His purpose fully. God has a preordained plan for each life, and He desires to use us to accomplish it.

Meanwhile, understanding the need to send them out sheds light on another crucial aspect: Verse 15 tells us that the Lord also equips those He settles on with the “authority to drive out demons.” Jesus recognised that in their preaching, they would encounter situations requiring authority. Some hearts would already be occupied by demons, and the preaching alone wouldn’t be enough to penetrate. Therefore, He equips believers with the authority to cast out demons, allowing the Word of God to take root and produce fruit. So, Jesus wouldn’t send them out without the necessary authority for a successful ministry. This foundation comes through being born again and receiving the Holy Spirit.

Some believers might focus solely on the power for miracles and casting out demons, neglecting the need to replace what is cast out. The Spirit of God cannot dwell in any life that hasn’t been born again. The Bible tells us that those who believe in Him are given the authority to become sons and daughters of God (John 1:12). For Jesus, the authority to drive out demons comes after the preaching of the good news. It’s only when the good news cannot penetrate a heart occupied by demons that the authority to cast them out becomes necessary.

Therefore, rather than just seeking the power for miraculous works, seek out God’s purpose for your life. He will equip you with whatever you need as you respond to His call and remain with Him.

In conclusion, let’s consider the order in which the disciples entered into God’s purpose for their lives. They first responded to God’s invitation, which remains open to us today. Without responding, we cannot be with Him, and without being with Him, He cannot send us out. Until the Lord settles on us, He cannot equip or send us. If we attempt to go out on our own, we will only struggle. Why choose that path?

God’s purpose for your life is not for you to struggle alone. Respond to Him today and receive the necessary equipping to fulfil His divine expectations for your life.

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