The Joy of Salvation: Eternal Gladness from Staying Connected - Psalm 51:12 The Joy of Salvation: Eternal Gladness from Staying Connected - Psalm 51:12

The Joy of Salvation: Eternal Gladness from Staying Connected

Your help made me so happy. Give me that joy again. Make my spirit strong and ready to obey you.

Psalm 51:12 ERV

As we further consider certain lessons from David’s prayer (Psalm 86:1-4). We see how what started from entreaties for relief and recovery from a state of suffering and spiritual poverty, eventually rises into a sincere request for that which the heart of man is ever longing for– joy and gladness.

“My Lord, I put my life in your hands. I am your servant, so make me happy” (Psalm 86:4 ERV). A life that is committed into the Lord’s hand is eternally preserved. And as Jesus says in John 15:11, such life will experience the joy of the Lord in its fullness. Jesus tells us to remain in Him and His love. David, in His prayer says that he has handed the totality of his life over to the Lord.

Joy produced from Salvation

True and lasting joy can only be found in the Lord by the ones whose lives have been surrendered unto Him in the place of salvation. Albeit it can only come to its fullness as we remain in Christ; stay connected to Him as the source of our life. Thus, other translations render the “help” that David mentioned here as what made him happy, as “salvation”.

Make me as happy as you did when you saved me; make me want to obey!

Psalm 51:12 CEV

So, it is important to note that the joy and gladness we are talking about is not just the ordinary and temporary one that puts smiles on our faces. No! It is the joy that flows from our hearts, knowing that we have been approved of the Lord and that our life is safe and secure with Him, even amid trials and afflictions. Have you been saved? Because the first point of encountering such joy is to be saved.

David started by saying: “Hear me, LORD, and answer me.” But it is important to note that the only prayer that the Lord hears and answers from anyone that has not been saved is their cry for repentance and salvation. Therefore, if you would have God protect you, show you His mercy, give you true joy, you must be saved. If you are unsure of your stand, please reach out here, it is better to be sure than to assume. It would be disastrous to later find out you were wrong with your assumption that you are saved.

See David praying again in this passage (Psalm 130:1-8). I want to encourage you to spend some time studying this prayer also. May the Lord bless you, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Lord, I cry out to you out of the depths of my despair! Hear my voice, O God! Answer this prayer and hear my plea for mercy. Lord, if you measured us and marked us with our sins, who would ever have their prayers answered? But your forgiving love is what makes you so wonderful. No wonder you are loved and worshiped! This is why I wait upon you, expecting your breakthrough, for your Word brings me hope. I long for you more than any watchman would long for the morning light. I will watch and wait for you, O God, throughout the night. O Israel, keep hoping, keep trusting, and keep waiting on the Lord, for he is tender-hearted, kind, and forgiving. He has a thousand ways to set you free! He himself will redeem you; he will ransom you from the cruel slavery of your sins!

Psalm 130:1-8 TPT

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