The Fundamental Requirement: Why Obedience to God Matters - Exodus 7:6 The Fundamental Requirement: Why Obedience to God Matters - Exodus 7:6

The Fundamental Requirement: Why Obedience to God Matters

Then Moses and Aaron did so; just as the Lord commanded them, so they did.

Exodus 7:6 NKJV

The verse we are considering today is powerful, despite its brevity, because it holds deep significance for our Christian faith. Obedience is a fundamental requirement for anyone who claims to be a child of God. As Christians, we must obey God’s instructions without hesitation. When God gives a command, our only response should be to obey it immediately. This is the essence of our faith and the bedrock upon which our relationship with God stands.

In the Bible, God gave a series of commands to Moses and Aaron, and they obeyed exactly as instructed. This level of obedience was crucial, as it allowed them to fulfil God’s purpose for the Israelites. We must understand that God’s commands are not suggestions but divine instructions meant for our ultimate good. Just as Moses and Aaron did not question God’s commands, we, too, must adopt an attitude of complete trust and submission. This is all the Lord requires from us, and through this, we can fully experience His blessings. Unwavering obedience is a fundamental requirement for every believer.

We will experience the fullness of God’s blessings when we devote ourselves to following His commands step by step and precept by precept. When we stay within God’s will, avoiding deviation to the right or the left, we enjoy the benefits of obedience. However, when we stray outside of His will, life becomes chaotic, and we face problems we cannot easily solve. Obedience is not always easy, especially when God’s instructions challenge our understanding or contradict our logic. Yet, in these moments, our faith is truly tested and refined.

Obeying God’s instructions keeps us within the safety and presence of God, guiding us through our daily journey. Furthermore, this obedience is not merely a duty but a privilege, as it allows us to walk closely with God and align our lives with His perfect will. Even when God’s commands seem illogical to us, we must trust and obey, just as Moses did. Moses is an excellent example of someone who obeyed God, even when he didn’t fully understand what was required of him. As a result, the blessings of the Lord rested upon him, enabling him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.

Moses’ success in leading the Israelites was due to his unwavering obedience to God’s instructions. Had he questioned God’s commands, the outcome would have been different. When we obey the Lord, we do ourselves a great favour, for this is how we can live peaceful and fulfilling lives in today’s world. In conclusion, obedience is not just about following rules. It is about living in harmony with God’s plan for our lives. It is about trusting that His ways are higher than our ways and that His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. When we choose to obey, we position ourselves to receive God’s best, and we find true peace and fulfilment.

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