Escape The Envy Trap: Keeping Your Eyes on God's Unique Plan - Ecclesiastes 4:4 Escape The Envy Trap: Keeping Your Eyes on God's Unique Plan - Ecclesiastes 4:4

Escape The Envy Trap: Keeping Your Eyes on God’s Unique Plan

Then I observed all the work and ambition motivated by envy. What a waste! Smoke. And spitting into the wind.

Ecclesiastes 4:4 MSG

One of the ways the devil attacks a person’s life is through a very subtle and often unnoticed thing. There is a trap that the enemy sets for every individual, and that is the envy trap. As humans, we naturally take an interest in the lives of others. We are fascinated by how others look, talk, act, and interact, and by the things they have. We notice what people wear, how they look, what they do, and the things they possess. Most times, there is nothing wrong with that, especially when we appreciate the grace of God in their lives without any interference. However, there is a problem when we begin to resent the good things we see in others. Envy is a trap that sets in very subtly.

Today, it is even worse because technology allows us to see and be part of other people’s lives through social media. Many people idolise celebrities and admire how well they do for themselves. If we are not careful, the devil’s trap of envy can easily ensnare us. Envy is a global issue that affects people of all ages, both young and old. The worst part of envy is that it is an insult to God. Every time you wish you were someone else or had what another person has, you are saying that God made a mistake in how He fashioned you.

Furthermore, envy distracts you from what God wants to do in your life and focuses you on what you lack. Envy makes you take your eyes off God’s plan for you and sidetracks you. Envy detours your life and always leads to a dead end. It exacts a huge emotional cost without a payoff, causing you to miss your purpose and lose your joy. Envy is a form of spiritual rebellion based on ignorance and arrogance. It assumes that you have a better plan for your life than God does.

When you envy, you deny the uniqueness of your purpose, divide your attention, misuse your time and energy, and end up committing other sins. You waste your life when your actions and goals are motivated by envy. Do not allow the devil to push you into the envy trap. Beware and stay vigilant.

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