The Backslider: A Question of the State of Your Heart - Proverbs 14:14 The Backslider: A Question of the State of Your Heart - Proverbs 14:14

The Backslider: A Question of the State of Your Heart

The backslider in heart will be filled with his own ways, but a good man will be satisfied from above.

Proverbs 14:14 NKJV

Let’s focus on the first part of today’s text. A person can backslide without knowing he is on that course. The technique the enemy uses is that he fills the person with a pursuit of his own way and his own thinking. The backslider in heart can be observing his quiet time religiously yet his obedience is according to his own way not the leading of God. The backslider fills his heart with his own ways, but his output pleases people. People will still hail him for his wonderful giving and his service to the church.

So, from this passage, the problem is the state of the heart. It is his heart that has carried corruption. It is what he is filling himself with that is not correct. A person’s face and a person’s service in the household of faith can be pleasing to men. But when he fills his heart with his own ways, Scripture identifies him as a backslider. When a man’s heart opens only to his desires, neglecting God’s will, Scripture labels him a backslider. When he prioritizes self-benefit over God’s will, Scripture identifies him as a backslider. So today, the question is, “Is your heart right”?

Has your heart not left the path that God has laid down for you? Examine your heart! Is it veiled from God’s ways? Does it dwell on things unrelated to Him? Is your heart resistant to conforming to His will? Does it only find joy when your plans succeed? Does bitterness and anger fill it when your thoughts aren’t followed? Are you burdened by worldly cares? What condition is your heart in? Is it where God desires it to be? Do you only celebrate when things go your way?

The consequence of a self-centred heart is complete separation from God. He takes no pleasure in someone who follows their own whims and disregards His Lordship.

The question remains: how is your heart? Is it overflowing with your own desires? Reflect on this!

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