
2 posts

Designed as Original: Understanding God’s Heart for Our Creation

Did you know you are God’s original creation, crafted with intention? What does it mean to live as His masterpiece? What would it look like to fully accept and live out God’s purpose for your life? Are you walking in the assurance of God’s design for you? Read more to know your originality in Christ Jesus!
Designed as Original: Understanding God’s Heart for Our Creation - Ephesians 2:10

Escape The Envy Trap: Keeping Your Eyes on God’s Unique Plan

Envy is a subtle yet powerful trap that can distract us from God's unique plan for our lives. In a world where social media amplifies our awareness of others' successes, guarding our hearts against resentment is crucial. Discover how to recognise and overcome envy, and stay focused on the purpose God has for you. Stay vigilant and don't let envy steal your joy and derail your destiny.
Escape The Envy Trap: Keeping Your Eyes on God's Unique Plan - Ecclesiastes 4:4