Jacob on the Run: Finding God When You Least Expect It

Even when we’re running, God is always with us, waiting for us to notice His presence. Like Jacob, we often get caught up in our plans and miss what God is doing. But even in the midst of deception and chaos, God’s grace calls us back to Him.

Are you running from God’s plan for your life? Stop and discover His presence. Let’s learn to trust His timing and embrace the blessings that come from walking in faith.

Read the full post and find hope in unexpected places.

God Is Able: Trust His Power to Keep You From Falling

No matter what challenges you face, remember this: God is able! He has the power to prevent you from stumbling and to sustain you through every trial. Trust in Him, for His strength will always keep you secure. Let His love be your foundation and guide you through every storm.

"Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before His glorious presence without fault and with great joy..." (#Jude1v24)

Click the link to read more about God's unfailing power and love.