20 Aug, 23 August 20, 2023 Guided by the Truth: Navigating Life’s Deceptive Choices There’s a way that looks harmless enough; look again—it leads straight to hell. Proverbs 16:25 MSG In the…
31 Jul, 23 July 31, 2023 Seeking the Truth: Devote Yourself to Wisdom Buy the truth and sell it not; not only that, but also get discernment and judgment, instruction and…
21 Jun, 23 June 21, 2023 Don’t be Stiff-necked: Avoid the Destruction and Silence of God So the LORD All-Powerful said, “I called to them, and they did not answer. So now, if they…
10 Jun, 23 June 10, 2023 The Unfading Light: Shinning Brighter and Clearer But the path of the [uncompromisingly] just and righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines more…
19 Apr, 23 April 19, 2023 The Prayer of the Disobedient If anyone turns a deaf ear to my instruction, even their prayers are detestable. Proverbs 28:9 NIV Choice…
14 Mar, 23 March 14, 2023 Verse of the Day – Proverbs 10:17AMPC He who heeds instruction and correction is [not only himself] in the way of life [but also] is…
08 Feb, 23 February 8, 2023 Verse of the Day – Psalm 66:18 NLT If I had not confessed the sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. Psalm 66:18…