God’s purpose

3 posts

Surrender to God and Discover True Peace

What storm are you clinging to? Jonah’s story teaches us that true peace begins when we surrender what God asks us to release. Pride, fear, control—what’s your ‘storm’? Discover how letting go unlocks God’s calm.
Surrender to God and Discover True Peace - Jonah 1:12

Focus on God’s Purpose: The Servant’s Unwavering Dedication

What if we prioritised God's purpose over personal comforts? Abraham’s servant teaches us the power of focus and unwavering dedication. He said, “I will not eat until I have told you what I have to say” (Genesis 24:33 NIV). This moment inspires us to remain committed to God's mission in our lives, even when distractions arise. Are you ready to refocus on what truly matters? Dive deeper into this powerful lesson.
Focus on God's Purpose: The Servant's Unwavering Dedication - Genesis 24:33

Overcoming Sins: Identifying and Defeating the “Little Foxes”

What "little foxes" are holding you back from experiencing God’s best for your life? #Hebrews12v1 calls us to throw off every weight and sin that hinders our faith journey. Even the smallest sins can grow into obstacles that derail our purpose. Learn how to identify and overcome these hidden burdens and walk freely in the grace and purpose God has prepared for you. Click the link to read more and start your journey to spiritual freedom!
Overcoming Sins: Identifying and Defeating the “Little Foxes” - Hebrews 12:1