Gideon: The Unexpected Hero of Faith

Discover how Gideon transformed from an ordinary man into a hero of faith through his unwavering trust in God. His journey teaches us that it's not the size of our resources but our faith and obedience that count. Let Gideon's story inspire you to embrace your divine purpose and become a hero of faith. Click the link to read more about Gideon’s remarkable journey!

Unmasking the Myth: God Never Perverts Justice

Discover the profound nature of God's justice and mercy through the lens of Job 8:3. Learn how His unwavering fairness shapes our lives and actions, ensuring that justice always prevails. Reflect on the biblical examples of divine justice and understand how trusting in God’s righteous judgement can bring peace and direction in our daily lives. Explore the assurance of eternal justice, knowing that every deed will receive its due recompense, either here or in eternity.

Unwavering Loyalty: What Ruth Teaches Us About Following God

"But Ruth replied, 'Don't urge me to leave or turn back from you. Where you go, I will go, and where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.'"

Ruth 1:16 showcases a powerful declaration of commitment and faith. Ruth's devotion to Naomi, even in the face of uncertainty, is a testament to true loyalty. How do we measure our own commitment to God and to those we love?

Discover the profound lessons from Ruth’s story and reflect on your own journey of faith and devotion.

Read more in our latest blog post!