And he said to them, “Pick me up and throw me into the sea; then the sea will become calm for you. For I know that this great tempest is because of me.”
Jonah 1:12 NKJV
Life’s storms often arise when we resist God’s will, just as Jonah experienced when he fled from God’s command. His story reveals a profound truth—when we surrender to God, we find peace in our hearts and circumstances. Jonah’s disobedience did not only affect him; it created turmoil for those around him. However, when he acknowledged his sin and took responsibility, the storm ceased. This moment was a turning point, showing that true peace comes when we align ourselves with God’s purpose.
Jonah’s pride blinded him to God’s mercy. He believed the Ninevites were unworthy of grace and thought his own judgment was superior to God’s. In fleeing to Tarshish, he pursued his own desires rather than obeying God’s command, bringing unnecessary chaos and distress. How often do we do the same? When we cling to our own plans and resist His direction, we become frustrated, confused, and overwhelmed. Just as Jonah’s rebellion stirred the waves, our resistance invites inner turmoil. Meanwhile, when we surrender to God, we step into His perfect peace.
Jonah’s words in Jonah 1:12, “Pick me up and throw me into the sea; then the sea will become calm for you.” mark a significant shift in his journey. He recognised that his disobedience had caused the storm and that surrendering to God was the only way to restore peace. Meanwhile, his action here was not a surrender to God, he would rather die than to obey God’s command. The people in the ship experienced peace, yet peace was far from Jonah until he surrendered to God in the belly of the fish.
This truth applies to us as well—there are things we must cast away to calm the storms in our own lives. Pride, fear, doubt, and unforgiveness all hinder us from fully walking in God’s will. However, God calls us to release these burdens into His hands and trust in His plan.
To walk in His calling, we must identify and surrender the things that hold us back. What is God asking you to throw into the sea? Is it self-will, fear, or an unwillingness to forgive? True repentance requires more than confession; it demands a transformed heart and a willingness to submit fully to God’s leading.
Scripture is filled with stories of transformation through surrender. Paul laid down his zeal for persecuting Christians and became a mighty apostle, spreading the gospel across nations. The prodigal son, after recognising his rebellion, repented and returned to his father, who embraced him with love and restoration. Peter, after denying Jesus, repented and reaffirmed his devotion, becoming a pillar of the early church. These stories, like Jonah’s, remind us that surrender is not a loss but a doorway to restoration and divine purpose.
Jesus invites us to find rest in Him. In Matthew 11:28-30, He says, “Come to me, all who labour and are heavily laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me… For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Surrendering to God is not about losing control—it is about gaining His peace. Let go, trust Him, and allow His perfect plan to unfold in your life.
What do you need to cast into the sea to allow God’s purpose to be fulfilled in your life?