Seeking the Truth: Devote Yourself to Wisdom - Proverbs 23:23 Seeking the Truth: Devote Yourself to Wisdom - Proverbs 23:23

Seeking the Truth: Devote Yourself to Wisdom

Buy the truth and sell it not; not only that, but also get discernment and judgment, instruction and understanding.

Proverbs 23:23 AMPC

The truth is an eminently desirable possession. It can become much more intimately and inseparably the possession of a man than any of those things which men usually call their possessions. It is as free as the air. In terms of monetary cost, however, in seeking and keeping it, we surrender. Labour and search may need to be paid. Prejudice, pride of heart, illusions, sins of heart will need to be forsaken. Esteem of friends and of the world may need to be parted with just so that you can lay hold of and preserve the truth.

Truth, wisdom, learning, and understanding are worth paying money for. They are worth far too much to ever sell.

Proverbs 23:23 ERV

The truth is not to be sold because it has a value beyond all you can get for it. Its value grows the longer you keep it. It buys all other good things at last. When it is bought, it secures to men the great end of all possessions—blessedness.

How can you devote yourself to the possession and retention of the truth?

Devote yourself to seeking and retaining the truth. Forsake worldly distractions for its eternal worth. Likewise, cherish it as a guiding principle in decision-making and daily interactions. Embrace the journey of acquiring wisdom with humility and continuous effort.

Additionally, discover the joy of sharing wisdom with others, enriching their lives in the process. Make truth the cornerstone of your character, shaping you into a person of integrity and authenticity. Furthermore, nurture a love for learning and understanding, and receptiveness to wisdom.

As you hold onto the truth, be cautious of compromises that may dilute its purity and transformative power. Furthermore, remember that truth remains constant, a beacon of light in a changing world, guiding you through life’s uncertainties. To strengthen your commitment, maintain an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit through prayers and studying the word of God. By doing so, you continually walk and dwell in the truth. This is because it is a treasure worth seeking and preserving.

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