Seeking the Power of The Holy Spirit With Pure Motives - Acts 8:18-19 Seeking the Power of The Holy Spirit With Pure Motives - Acts 8:18-19

Seeking the Power of The Holy Spirit With Pure Motives

When Simon saw that the Spirit was given at the laying on of the apostles’ hands, he offered them money and said, “Give me also this ability so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit.”

Acts 8:18-19 NIV

The book of Acts reveals how the power of the Holy Spirit propelled the gospel across nations. As Philip preached in Samaria, lives shattered by sin encountered Christ’s redemption. The Spirit moved mightily: chains broke, hearts transformed, and even Simon—a sorcerer once adored for his magic—bowed to the truth. Yet when Simon witnessed the apostles laying hands to bless others with spiritual gifts, his faith faltered. Instead of repentance, he reached for his purse, treating divine authority like a marketplace transaction.

Here lies a sobering lesson: the power of the Holy Spirit is not a trophy to acquire but a sacred trust to steward. Simon’s greed exposed a heart clinging to control. He craved influence, not intimacy with God. His motives, laid bare before the apostles, remind us that the Spirit’s gifts—healing, prophecy, wisdom—are never for personal gain. As 1 Corinthians 12:7 affirms, “To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.”

Beloved, let us examine our own desires. Do we seek spiritual power to elevate our ministries, or to serve in humility? God entrusts His authority to those who surrender their ambitions, not those bargaining for prestige. Simon’s tragedy was his refusal to see: the Spirit’s power flows freely to hearts aligned with Christ’s mission. It cannot be bought, manipulated, or hurried—only received through childlike faith.

Are we walking in such surrender? The Lord asks not for perfect resumes but yielded spirits. When we prioritise His presence over personal influence, the Spirit equips us to advance His kingdom. Miracles follow not because we chase them, but because we chase Him.

Simon’s story urges us to kneel before the Refiner’s fire. Let Him purify our motives, replacing selfish ambition with holy reverence. For the power of the Holy Spirit thrives in vessels emptied of pride and filled with sacrificial love. It heals the broken, silences darkness, and turns bystanders into bold witnesses—all for the glory of God.

Friend, if you long to walk in this power, start here: lay down your nets of control. Seek the Giver, not merely His gifts. Pray not for greater authority but for a softer heart. As you abide in Christ, the Spirit’s power will flow—not to elevate your name, but to magnify His.

Simon’s legacy echoes through the ages: God shares His power with those who treasure His presence above all else. May we choose the path of surrender, trusting that as we draw near, the Spirit will work profoundly through us—for His glory, and His alone.

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