Seeking God with All Your Heart: A Daily Pursuit

Seeking God with All Your Heart: A Daily Pursuit - Jeremiah 29:13

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29:13 NIV

Everyone, in one way or another, is constantly seeking something. There is a daily desire in every person’s heart to attain something, whether material possessions, relationships, or intangible goals. Each day, we invest time and energy in pursuit of these desires. Seeking involves a diligent and careful search for what is truly needed. When something is merely a want, we may abandon it when it eludes us. However, when it is a necessity, we pursue it with a tenacity born from urgency.

If your desire is to seek God, your approach will be intense, requiring significant effort and sacrifice. You will not wait passively for a Sunday service to encounter Him. Instead, you will seek Him daily, because you recognise your need for Him. This pursuit is not about appearances or impressing others. It stems from a deep, genuine love for God, a desire to know Him more intimately. You will find yourself unable to go a single day without seeking Him, longing to experience His presence constantly.

The condition of your heart is crucial to your search for God. If your heart is not in the right place, you will struggle to find Him. The Bible teaches that to find God, we must seek Him with all our heart, mind, and strength. This means exerting all of your efforts, pouring yourself entirely into the pursuit of knowing Him. Meanwhile, God is not distant or difficult to find. He is always ready to reveal Himself to you, but you must open your heart fully to Him. The extent to which you experience God is directly proportional to how much you open your heart to Him.

As you study the Scriptures, pray, and fellowship with others in Christ, you will discover more of God. These practices allow God to reveal more of Himself, deepening your understanding and intensifying your love for Him. Seeking God with all your heart also quickens your inner self, drawing you to desire Him even more. This continuous seeking is what keeps your spirit alive and sensitive to His presence.

Ultimately, you must seek God with all your heart if you are to truly find Him. He is not hiding, but if your heart is preoccupied with worldly things, you will not have room for Him. God desires your heart, and if He does not have it, something else surely does. You are either seeking God or you are not; there is no middle ground. To find Him, you must seek Him wholeheartedly, using the entirety of your being. Only then will you truly encounter Him.

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