Satisfying the Hunger of the Soul: Fulfilling God's Will - John 4:34 Satisfying the Hunger of the Soul: Fulfilling God's Will - John 4:34

Satisfying the Hunger of the Soul: Fulfilling God’s Will

Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.

John 4:34 NKJV

Here, we see our Lord Jesus showing His passion and zeal towards fulfilling God’s will. The Lord Jesus was clear about His purpose on earth. Therefore, He ensures that everything He does lead to the ultimate goal – to make peace between God and man, to seek and save the lost.

Likewise, every believer must realize and understand the place of the Father’s will. So, we must let go of our will and embrace God’s purpose for our life. God is looking for men and women who are ready to deny themselves (die to self) for the sake of embracing His will – the essence of their existence. Meanwhile, the Lord Jesus was not just beaten and let go. He was not just crucified on the cross, but He died and was buried. And on the third day rose again to bring the work into its fulfilment. Such is God’s expectation from every believer – to do and to finish His will.

Fulfilling God’s Will – The Ultimate Goal

For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it

Luke‬ ‭14‬:‭28‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

However, we need to know what this will for our lives is if we will do them at all. We must ask God daily about His will for us. Until we take our time to find out what is God’s expectation of us each day, doing His will would only remain a mirage. We need to find out the intention of God for each day. This must be of great value in our lives as our daily meal.

More importantly, I would like to also point out that God is more interested in people who will finish His will for their life, not those that would stop half-way. Therefore, Jesus wanting to our attention to this truth said: “…whether he has enough to finish it”. It is not just enough to start the work. You must be willing to finish that which God has assigned unto you.

In conclusion, some of the lessons we can learn from the Lord Jesus in this verse includes:

  1. Jesus realized that He was not here by Himself. He was sent by the Father.
  2. He knew that the One who sent Him is not clueless in His expectation and purpose. The Father has a will for Him.
  3. This will of the Father for His life is more important than His daily food. It is the ultimate in His life.
  4. His greatest goal was not just to do the Father’s will half-way, but to finish it.

May God gives us understanding in all things. May He give us the grace to accomplish all that He has prepared for us to do in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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