Salt of the Earth: Your Divine Role as a Christian in Today's World - Mark 9:50 Salt of the Earth: Your Divine Role as a Christian in Today's World - Mark 9:50

Salt of the Earth: Your Divine Role as a Christian in Today’s World

Salt is excellent for seasoning. But if salt becomes tasteless, how can its flavour ever be restored? Your lives, like salt, are to season and preserve. So don’t lose your flavour, and preserve the peace in your union with one another.

Mark 9:50 TPT

Christians are the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13). That is a divine responsibility upon the life of every believer. So, if Christians are the salt of the earth, therefore, every Christian – as a grain of salt must be the salt wherever they are and always. We must remain that which the bible says is excellent for seasoning and preservation. We must, according to God’s expectation, exert a healthy and purifying influence.

“…But if salt becomes tasteless, how can its flavour ever be restored”? This is one of the dangers that God would like us to carefully consider. This is so as not to fall into error in our Christian journey. It is of utmost importance for us to note that God did not say if the salt be poured out. He didn’t even mention whether it becomes impure or possibly mixes with other substances. The issue is that salt can remain intact in its package, looking good and all, but without its saltiness – without its flavour.

It would be an unfortunate thing for any Christian thought of to be vibrant in the Lord (full of saltiness) by people because of the position he/she assumes in the church (packaging). But in God’s sight, the flavour is gradually dissipating. The salt loses its saltiness. It is until such people are brought to the place of usefulness that people realize they are no longer useful. Their ‘salt’ is not useful for seasoning, for preservation, and worst of all, useless to the dunghill.

What then is the source of the saltiness that must never dissipate from my life as Christian? I would like us to turn our attention briefly to 2 Kings 2:21. “Then Elisha went to the spring of the waters and cast the salt in it and said, thus says the Lord: I [not the salt] have healed these waters…” (AMPC). Elisha asked for a new bowl and some salt, and he poured the salt in the water. He then unveiled to the people of Jericho and I believe unto us also. That the source of the effectiveness for seasoning and preserving. Even purifying and any other usefulness that is in your ‘saltiness’ can only be God.

“… I [not the salt] have healed these waters…”. We cannot over emphasize the fact that whatever ‘saltiness’ is in the life of a Christian is of the Lord. Therefore, a believer that is empty of the power of God is not useful for God’s kingdom. It is not enough to have a good start in the faith. A Christian who is not carrying out his duties as a true disciple (the salt of the earth) is barren and unproductive.

Therefore, I beseech you in the name of the Lord, don’t lose your flavour; do not allow anything to rob you of your saltiness. Preserve your saltiness to the best of your ability. In our faith journey, we must be diligent in maintaining our spiritual fervour. Continue to be a channel through which God can manifest Himself unto others. Exert the beneficial influence for the glory of Christ Jesus. Add flavour to the world by living for God’s kingdom. Be bold in living out your faith. Never tolerates anything in your life that might lessen your effectiveness for God. The fire of your passion for Christ should never diminish. Be the flavour and the preservative that God intended you to be. Be salt indeed.

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