Sacrifice and Identity: Embracing Your Purpose as a Christian - Genesis 8:21-22 Sacrifice and Identity: Embracing Your Purpose as a Christian - Genesis 8:21-22

Sacrifice and Identity: Embracing Your Purpose as a Christian

The Lord smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: “Never again will I curse the ground because of humans, even though every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done. As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”

Genesis 8:21-22 NIV

Every heart is like an altar with some sort of sacrifice upon it. Some, like the sacrifice of Noah, produce a sweet-smelling aroma, pleasing and acceptable unto the Lord. While others are detestable in His sight. Many are offering ‘unclean animals’ upon their altar. In the case of others, the fire on their altar has been quenched. Hence, their sacrifice ends up stinking.

Noah’s sacrifice was pleasing unto the Lord. Hence, it moved God to pronounce an everlasting blessing upon the earth, which we are still enjoying even today. If the right standing of a man before God could bring such a blessing, how much more would we be blessed if we are a generation of men and women of right standing before the Lord, with the unlimited privileges that are available unto us in Christ Jesus.

Meanwhile, I would like us to consider another critical issue. Although it seems inconsequential and less talked about. Yet I believe it is one of the things that set Noah’s life on the course of the purpose which God fulfilled through him. Thank God for a father like Lamech who spoke purpose into Noah’s life. A father who saw far and deep into the future. He pronounced a divine destiny upon the child, and it did come to pass.

Lamech named his son Noah. Lamech said, “We work very hard as farmers because God cursed the ground. But Noah will bring us rest.”

Genesis 5:29 ERV

Albeit, the issue I would like us to consider here is not necessarily the name your parents gave you. This is especially because many of them did not know the Lord then, and even some till now.

However, as a Christian, there’s a name that has been given to you in Christ Jesus. A name given by God Himself; it is the name that spells out your purpose here on earth. When you became born again, God made an announcement concerning you. He defined a purpose that you were specifically born to fulfil. It is a destiny that no one else can fit into. Noah was unaware of what they were saying at his naming ceremony, for he was just a baby. But I presume that as he was growing, he must have asked his father the meaning of his name. And you can be sure the father would have carefully given a detailed explanation.

Dear Christian, have you taken time to ask God what is the purpose for which you have been born again? Your salvation was not a mistake, neither was it by coincidence. It was for a definite purpose which only you can fulfil. Many are the lives that are waiting for the manifestation of your purpose. Will you fail them and God?

In conclusion, Noah’s pleasing sacrifice had a profound impact, moving God to bless the earth and establish its enduring cycles. This demonstrates the remarkable influence of a life lived in alignment with God’s will. Imagine the blessings that can flow when we, as a generation of men and women standing right before the Lord, offer our lives as living sacrifices.

Moreover, Noah’s story reminds us of the profound influence a name can have. As a Christian, you bear a name given by God, a purpose woven into your very being when you were born again. The name given to you in Christ Jesus, a name given by God Himself, defines your purpose on this earth. Just as Noah’s name held a destiny, God has a specific purpose for your life.

So, take the time to seek God’s purpose for your life. Embrace your name in Christ, your divine destiny. Lives are waiting for your purpose to shine forth, and you have a responsibility not to disappoint them and your Creator. Embrace your purpose, and like Noah, be a source of blessing to the world.

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