Right Seat, Right Guide: Position Yourself for God-Led Triumphs - 2 Chronicles 13:12 Right Seat, Right Guide: Position Yourself for God-Led Triumphs - 2 Chronicles 13:12

Right Seat, Right Guide: Position Yourself for God-Led Triumphs

God is with us; he is our leader. His priests with their trumpets will sound the battle cry against you. People of Israel, do not fight against the Lord, the God of your ancestors, for you will not succeed.”

2 Chronicles 13:12 NIV

This powerful verse reminds us that while God’s presence in our lives is crucial, His position matters just as much. He doesn’t simply walk alongside us; He desires to be our leader, guiding our every step towards victory.

Merely having God in the passenger seat, so to speak, won’t bring success. He needs to be at the wheel, charting the course and making the decisions. If you relegate God’s position this year, you will not see Him fight for you. God should be the leader. His being the leader of your life means He makes your decisions, and you follow in obedience. This signifies a trusting obedience, where we align our steps with His plans.

In the battle that ensued in 2 Chronicles 13 between Abijah and Jeroboam, we see a clear distinction in the position of God. Jeroboam, with his seemingly superior army (eight thousand mighty men), falls defeated. Why? Because he stood in opposition to God. Abijah, on the other hand, despite having a smaller force, emerged victorious. His secret? He entrusted the leadership to God. It reminds us that victory is assured even with limited resources when God takes the lead.

In the same way, even though your strength might be little if you entrust the leadership to God, you will record a tremendous victory.

Albeit, what you must never do is fight against the Lord. If you fight against the Lord, you will not succeed. Though Jeroboam’s army was large, he was defeated because his battle was against God. Whatever you do this year and beyond, never think of fighting against God. Any act of disobedience, any decision that contradicts His principles, is essentially a battle cry against Him. Jeroboam’s defeat serves as a stark reminder that no one can prevail in such a confrontation.

Therefore, let us make a conscious choice today to invite God into the driver’s seat of our lives. Allow Him to guide our paths, navigate our challenges, and orchestrate our successes. As our leader, He promises to care for us, to shower us with His blessings, and to lead us towards triumphs beyond our wildest imaginations.

Embrace God’s leadership today, and watch Him pave the way for a year of unwavering victory.

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