Revealing Light: Exposing Darkness as Light Bearers - Ephesians 5:13 Revealing Light: Exposing Darkness as Light Bearers - Ephesians 5:13

Revealing Light: Exposing Darkness as Light Bearers

But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.

Ephesians 5:13 NIV

It shouldn’t be a surprise that those who the bible refers to as the wicked and sinners prefer to dwell in darkness. And they want to remain in that path for as long as possible. This is because the light would expose them if it were to shine on them. Not only that, it would definitely bring shame. Dear believer, it is a terrible thing to have the light of God in you and still live in darkness. It would be a grave mistake to allow your light to grow dim because you would not leave those old ways behind. Light bearers don’t hide coals in their garments (Proverbs 6:27-28). Living in God’s light while lingering in darkness contradicts faith and stifles personal progress.

Meanwhile, the light would not only expose every deed of darkness, but it will also reprove and correct. So, the light is hated by those who dwell in darkness, and light bearers must be aware of this. This should not cause light bearers to stop shining. To stop shining is to give more ground for the reign of darkness.

Everyone who does evil hates the light. They will not come to the light, because the light will show all the bad things they have done. But anyone who follows the true way comes to the light. Then the light will show that whatever they have done was done through God.

John 3:20-21 ERV

Above all, remember that our life is the expected light that exposes and reproves the deeds of darkness. We must live in absolute conformity to the word of God. Likewise, we must be careful that we do not think too highly of ourselves. Neither are we to condemn or judge others. If the light of God truly shines brightly in and through us, encountering us alone can expose and reprove those still in darkness.

So don’t judge anyone now. The time for judging will be when the Lord comes. He will shine light on everything that is now hidden in darkness. He will make known the secret purposes of our hearts. Then the praise each person should get will come from God.

1 Corinthians 4:5 ERV

In conclusion, we must not underestimate the stark contrast between the paths of darkness and the illuminating light. Those who cling to darkness fear exposure and shame, while light bearers possess the potential to expose, reprove, and guide. Living in God’s light while indulging in darkness hinders faith and growth. As light bearers, our lives are the instruments of revelation, a beacon of truth that calls for self-conformity to God’s Word. Yet, humility and non-judgmental attitudes are paramount. When we shine, darkness is exposed, and God’s glory is magnified. Even in the face of opposition, remain steadfast, for our light reveals the kingdom of God’s presence.

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