Rebellious People, Prosperous Land: The Canaan Conundrum - Deuteronomy 9:6 Rebellious People, Prosperous Land: The Canaan Conundrum - Deuteronomy 9:6

Rebellious People, Prosperous Land: The Canaan Conundrum

Understand, then, that it is not because of your righteousness that the Lord your God is giving you this good land to possess, for you are a stiff-necked people.

Deuteronomy 9:6

Have you ever wondered how the Israelites were able to enter the promised land despite being hard-headed, hard-hearted and stiff-necked? How did they manage to defeat nations that were greater and stronger than them? We often hear about the promised land flowing with milk and honey destined for the Israelites. Yet, Deuteronomy 9:6 paints a stark picture: a stiff-necked, rebellious people unworthy of such blessings. So, how did these seemingly undeserving individuals inherit this promised land? This question lies at the heart of our exploration.

Hear, Israel: You are now about to cross the Jordan to go in and dispossess nations greater and stronger than you, with large cities that have walls up to the sky. The people are strong and tall—Anakites! You know about them and have heard it said: “Who can stand up against the Anakites?” Understand, then, that it is not because of your righteousness that the Lord your God is giving you this good land to possess, for you are a stiff-necked people.

Deuteronomy 9:1-2, 6 NIV

This passage clarifies that the Israelites do not have the military prowess to conquer the land. In fact, the generation that crossed the Jordan River was born in the wilderness and had no fighting experience. However, they had one crucial advantage: God was with them to fulfil His promise. God, ever faithful to His promises, intended to fulfil His oath to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, regardless of the Israelites’ shortcomings. So, God promised to go before them like a devouring fire and destroy their enemies. He assured them that He would give them the land, not because of their righteousness, but because of His faithfulness.

God’s faithfulness is the key to understanding how the Israelites entered the promised land. Their victory was not based on military prowess but on unwavering faith in God’s promise. Similarly, faith in God’s faithfulness remains the key to entering God’s promises for our lives today. God is not a man that He should lie, nor a son of man that He should change His mind. What He has said, He will do. What He has promised, He will make good. (Numbers 23:19)

However, God’s faithfulness does not mean that we can be complacent or rebellious. The Israelites still had to obey God’s commands and trust His guidance. They still had to face challenges and difficulties along the way. They still had to fight the battles and take possession of the land. Also, they had to remember that God gave them the victory, not their own strength or wisdom.

Likewise, we also have to walk by faith and not by sight. We must follow God’s will and not our own to overcome all the obstacles and oppositions in our journey. We still have to claim God’s promises and not give up. More importantly, we must acknowledge that it is God who works in us, both to will and to act according to His good purpose. (Philippians 2:13)

After the Lord your God has driven them out before you, do not say to yourself, “The Lord has brought me here to take possession of this land because of my righteousness.” No, it is on account of the wickedness of these nations that the Lord is going to drive them out before you. It is not because of your righteousness or your integrity that you are going in to take possession of their land; but on account of the wickedness of these nations, the Lord your God will drive them out before you, to accomplish what he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Deuteronomy 9:4-5 NIV

So, God’s faithfulness matters because it gives us hope and confidence in His promises. It assures us that He can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us. (Ephesians 3:20) It motivates us to be faithful to Him, knowing that He who began a good work in us will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 1:6)

Therefore, let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. (Hebrews 10:23) Let us trust in His unfailing love and His unchanging character. Let us remember His mighty deeds and His marvellous grace. Likewise, let us celebrate His goodness and His glory. Let us enter His rest and His joy. For He is faithful, and He will do it. (1 Thessalonians 5:24)

In conclusion, the Israelites’ entry into the promised land serves as a powerful testament to God’s unfailing faithfulness. While their shortcomings are acknowledged, God’s plan, driven by His promises and not their worthiness, prevails. This is a constant reminder to seek Him and trust His promises. We must not be rebellious, for it is through His grace that we receive blessings beyond our deserts.

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