Predestined Purpose: Embrace God's Plan for Your Life - Jeremiah 1:4-5 Predestined Purpose: Embrace God's Plan for Your Life - Jeremiah 1:4-5

Predestined Purpose: Embrace God’s Plan for Your Life

The LORD said to me, “I chose you before I gave you life, and before you were born I selected you to be a prophet to the nations.”

Jeremiah 1:4-5 GNT

God informed Jeremiah that He chose him before He gave him life. This establishes the fact that God predetermined our creation. God knew what you would be before your conception. He predestined your path in life. God already made all arrangements about who you would be.

Therefore, it is expedient that we live in accordance with God’s determinant counsel. He did not make any mistake in your making. When He said, ‘Let us make man,’ it was an intricate process. Therefore, to become the most you can be, you must have a relationship with the one who made you. It would be disastrous to live your life outside of the counsel of your maker. Meanwhile, I want to draw your attention to God’s word: “I gave you life.” So, it is important to realise that God is the only source of life; no one else can give you life.

Moreover, no product can exist outside of the manufacturer, and no believer can exist outside of God. Whatever purpose you are achieving must be completely in line with God’s plan. Everything you do must work with what God had in mind for you even before your conception. You were not created just to add to the number of people already existing on Earth. You were created to fulfil a divine mandate that God had seen before you were born.

Now it’s time for a genuine reflection. Are you working in line with the reason for your existence? Are you not living with a mindset that you own your life? A life that is in sin is living outside the divine purpose of God. If you have not accepted the Lordship of Jesus, there is no way you will live the kind of life He had predestined for you. It is only by believing in Jesus that you can receive eternal life God gives.

In conclusion, know that God made you for a reason. Come into a relationship with Him so that your life will align with His plans. Live your life conforming to Him and watch your life become what He predestined you for.

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