Praise Him, God Our Provider - Psalm 111:5 Praise Him, God Our Provider - Psalm 111:5

Praise Him, God Our Provider

He provides food for those who fear him; he remembers his covenant forever.

Psalm 111:5 NIV

How can we describe the Lord and not mention that He is our Provider? Meanwhile, Psalm 111:5 zooms in on “those who fear him”, however, God’s provision reaches everyone. Therefore, He deserves the praises of the whole world (without the exemption of yours). He is our provider, who provides our daily food, and He is a covenant keeper.

Let us draw some insights from the illustration the Jesus gave in Matthew 6:26-33. God cares for the birds of air, they do not plant, neither reap nor do they own a store house. But God feeds them in due time. Likewise, He dressed the flowers in the field, which are here today and tomorrow in the fire. Meanwhile, He highly esteem us; we are to Him, of greater worth than the birds and the flowers. Therefore, He is able to care and provide for us much more than the birds and the flowers. He feeds us both with the physical food and the spiritual. He knows our needs, and He is our provides for them.

He will remember his agreement forever. He will always keep the promises he made to his people.

Psalm 105:8 ERV

Meanwhile, it is important to note that lack of faith can hinder us from receiving God’s provision (Matthew 6:30). Faithlessness does not stop God from providing it only affects the receiver. It shifts our eyes off the Provider unto to the provisions. Similarly, while God never forgets any of His promises, unfaithfulness debars us from experiencing its fulfilment.

So, God is indeed our provider. From the live we have without asking for it, the sun, the rain, good health, etc. To talk of His greatest provision – the gift of salvation. We are not deserving of Him, yet He did not wait for us to be, and the reality is that we would never be but by His grace.

We are people with stony hearts, yet He chose to give us a heart of flesh. Though we are full of iniquities, yet He chose to forgive them all. We did not and could not live according to His laws (by ourselves), yet He chose to give us grace so that we are able to live a righteous live. Even when we remain sinful, wilful, and wicked, yet He is never tired of calling us unto repentance. He is always providing for us, whether we are conscious of this or not. Is He not worthy to receive our praise?

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