Praise God for His Work of Redemption - Psalm 111:9 Praise God for His Work of Redemption - Psalm 111:9

Praise God for His Work of Redemption

God rescued his people, and he will never break his agreement with them. He is fearsome and holy.

Psalm 111:9 CEV

Without reservation, I guess you will agree with me that the reasons why we must praise God are inexhaustible. God, in His mighty power, delivered His people from bondage, and He remains forever faithful to His covenant. He is to be revered, for His awe-inspiring might and holiness are beyond comparison. Again, let us consider this praise worthy God, who is tirelessly at work for the redemption of mankind.

Lord, my God, you have done many great things. You have done so many things for us that we cannot count them! Nobody can stop you from doing the things that you decide. I could say that I will talk about them, but there would be too many to speak about!

Psalm 40:5 EASY

Meanwhile, permit me to reiterate the wonderful work of redemption the Psalmist is talking about in this verse. Though the redemption from Egypt (Exodus 6:6) is perhaps especially in the writer’s mind, nevertheless, it does not rule-out the fact there is redemption in Christ Jesus to all who believe in Him.

So, the bible says: “Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:12 NIV). What a great privilege that we can now be free from the dominion of sin. We are no longer God’s enemy. Jesus Christ has reconciled us; He has rescued us from sin and its judgment.

The Spirit is the first payment that guarantees we will get all that God has for us. Then we will enjoy complete freedom as people who belong to him. The goal for all of us is the praise of God in all his glory.

Ephesians 1:14 ERV

Therefore, in awe, we stand before the fearsome and holy God, who never ceases to work for our redemption. So, let our praise rise to the heavens, for God’s rescue and faithfulness are worthy of all honour. With hearts filled with gratitude, we celebrate the unbreakable agreement God has made with His people. Praise be to God, for His fearsome might and holy presence fill us with awe and reverence.

Unquestionably, in His unwavering love, He rescues, redeems, and restores, bringing forth new life and freedom. With joyful voices, we proclaim God’s faithfulness, for He is the deliverer and restorer of His chosen ones. In His holiness, we find refuge, and in His promises, we discover unwavering hope. Praise God, who in His greatness, rescued His people, and will never break His agreement with them. So, let us give thanks for His work of redemption in our lives and praise His name forevermore.

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