Praise God for His Mighty Power - Psalm 111:6-7 Praise God for His Mighty Power - Psalm 111:6-7

Praise God for His Mighty Power

He reveals mighty power and marvels to his people by handing them nations as a gift. All God accomplishes is flawless, faithful, and fair, and his every word proves trustworthy and true.

Psalms‬ ‭111‬:‭6‬-‭7‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Another interesting reason we must praise God is because of His great power. We cannot over emphasize God’s mighty power. His power is great, so much so that no other power can overcome Him. He made the universe by His power; He called forth everything into existence. By the same power He humans – the greatest work of creation.

Psalm 111:6 tells of His mighty power in bringing His people (the Israelites) out of the land of slavery. He gave them nations as a gift. Every page of the Scripture carries God’s power. The many miracles recorded in the Bible provide clear evidence of His power. Meanwhile, the same power remains alive and active today, and I’m sure you can see its evidence in your own life.

Furthermore, in verse 7, we come in contact with the characteristics of God’s work. “All God accomplishes is flawless…” God’s works are real, perfect, and just. In everything He does, God employs the right material in its adequate quantity. From the galaxies, the strands of hair on the human body, to the grass-blade, everything is adapted to its proper end in the best possible way it could ever be.

The Lord is the Rock, and his work is perfect! Yes, all his ways are right! God is true and faithful. He is good and honest.

Deuteronomy 32:4 ERV

Then to the characteristics of His words, they are trustworthy, and forever true. His words are reliable and dependable. He does not lie. He is always faithful to His promises; irrespective of our action – whether we are faithful or not.

If we are not faithful, he will still be faithful, because he cannot be false to himself.

2 Timothy 2:13 ERV

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