Plan with Purpose: Align Your Path with God's Will - Proverbs 21:30 Plan with Purpose: Align Your Path with God's Will - Proverbs 21:30

Plan with Purpose: Align Your Path with God’s Will

There is no one wise enough to make a plan that can succeed if the Lord is against it.

Proverbs 21:30 ERV

You would agree with me that planning is a good thing to do. In fact, there’s a popular saying that says “failure to plan is a plan to fail”. However, as the bible says that: “…The fastest runner doesn’t always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn’t always win the battle. The wise sometimes go hungry, and the skillful are not necessarily wealthy. And those who are educated don’t always lead successful lives…” (Ecclesiastes 9:11 NLT). So also, not every plan always yields successful results.

Meanwhile, it is important to consider the kind of plan the bible is talking about in this passage. We realise that it does not matter how highly intellectual the planner may be, and how many times he is making the plan, there is but one certainty – it would always fail. That is because every plan that does not have God’s approval has only one fate – failure. “People might make many plans, but what the LORD says is what will happen” (Proverbs 19:21 ERV). This is a truth that cannot be undermined.

When a new king, to whom Joseph meant nothing came to power in Egypt, he was afraid at how numerous the Israelites have become. So, he planned to control their population. But he knew not that the reason for their multiplication was because of the blessing of God upon them; he knew not that the Lord had made a promise and it must come to pass, for the Lord is faithful to His words. The Lord promised Abraham, reaffirmed the same to Isaac and Jacob, and now it must come to pass. Pharaoh did not know that he was fighting against God from the moment he was conceiving his plans.

“So, they set over [the Israelites] taskmasters to afflict and oppress them with [increased] burdens. And [the Israelites] built Pithom and Rameses as store cities for Pharaoh. But the more [the Egyptians] oppressed them, the more they multiplied and expanded, so that [the Egyptians] were vexed and alarmed because of the Israelites.”

Exodus 1:11-12 AMPC

The Israelites could never have failed to increase in number because it was God’s plan for them to increase. But Pharaoh’s plan was against God’s, therefore, it could not stand. Pharaoh must have thought that his power could achieve anything he wanted. But there is no power nor wisdom that can stand against the Lord and prevail.

When the Lord All-Powerful makes a plan, no one can change it. When he raises his arm to punish, no one can stop him.

Isaiah 14:27 ERV

It is good to make plans, but best to plan according to God’s will for your life. This is the only way you can bring glory to God with your life.

In summary, our plans are but mere blueprints until they align with God’s divine purpose. The wisdom of man, while valuable, often falls short when it opposes the divine plan. We’ve seen how Pharaoh’s efforts to hinder God’s promise to the Israelites were in vain, for no human scheme can thwart the Lord’s intentions. In your journey, remember that success and fulfilment come when your plans harmonize with God’s will. Seek His guidance and let His purpose become your blueprint. Your life, orchestrated by the Creator, is the most beautiful masterpiece.

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