Pilgrims on Earth: Abstaining from Fleshly Lusts in a Fallen World

Pilgrims on Earth: Abstaining from Fleshly Lusts in a Fallen World - 1 Peter 2:11

Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul, 

1 Peter 2:11 NKJV

Claiming the wonderful identity we have in Christ, as stated in 1 Peter 2:9, is truly empowering. However, reading further into the passage, we must understand the character and conduct expected of those with this identity. Verse 11 shows that there is more to being chosen. It means we do not belong to this world, but we are pilgrims and sojourners. As such, there is a specific way we should think, act, and stand out as children of God. We belong to the Kingdom of God, not to the world, and this distinction must show in our walk with God.

Our lives should clearly demonstrate that we belong to the Kingdom of God, a people set apart. As pilgrims, chosen by God and called to be priests, we must abstain from fleshly lusts. This passage shows us that fleshly lusts are not limited to sexual desires but include all sensual desires. The world constantly seeks to satisfy every desire of the flesh, but as a chosen generation, we must abstain from such things. Not abstaining causes a separation of the soul.

By yielding to fleshly desires, we risk losing the distinction that marks us as pilgrims on this earth. The word ‘abstain’ is strong, urging us to flee from every appearance of temptation and live in alignment with God’s Spirit. It is not enough to merely claim our identity in Christ; we must also follow what He commands. Fleshly desires taint our identity as God’s beloved, making it essential to behave according to the Kingdom we belong to.

The world has no standard of living, accepting anything and everything, but we, as sojourners, live by a higher calling. We cannot afford to give in to every unholy desire that comes our way. Using our identity in Christ as an excuse to indulge in sinful desires shows that we have misunderstood our calling. This scripture clearly begs us to abstain—do not entertain sinful thoughts or desires but live by the standards of the Kingdom of God. In this Kingdom, we do not live recklessly or indulge in fleshly lusts. Therefore, live in light of your identity and refuse to compromise your faith by following the world’s desires. Because, when you give in, you damage your soul.

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