Personal Commands: Obeying God's Unique Instructions - Judges 13:4-5 Personal Commands: Obeying God's Unique Instructions - Judges 13:4-5

Personal Commands: Obeying God’s Unique Instructions

Now see to it that you drink no wine or other fermented drink and that you do not eat anything unclean. You will become pregnant and have a son whose head is never to be touched by a razor because the boy is to be a Nazirite, dedicated to God from the womb. He will take the lead in delivering Israel from the hands of the Philistines.”

Judges 13:4-5 NIV

When God wanted to deliver Israel, He chose Samson to be the instrument of deliverance. However, Samson’s birth was not just another ordinary event. There was something special about how Samson would live, as God had a divine purpose for his life. God appeared to a man named Manoah and his wife, giving them very specific instructions about the child’s upbringing. This teaches us that when God intends to move, He often requires someone to hear and obey His personal commands. Obedience to these instructions is key to fulfilling His divine plans.

You cannot live your life solely on general principles or guidelines. There will be times when God’s instructions to you are different from those given to others. You cannot assume that just because everyone is doing something a certain way, you should also follow. When God is about to do something unique in your life, He may give you personal commands. In the case of Manoah’s wife, God instructed her not to drink wine or eat anything unclean during her pregnancy. This was not a command given to every pregnant woman, but it was crucial for her because the child she was carrying, Samson, was dedicated to God as a Nazarite. His life would be different, his purpose was unique, and so the circumstances around his birth had to reflect that uniqueness.

Similarly, there are things God wants to use you for that may require you to follow specific instructions. These instructions may not apply to everyone around you, but they are vital for your obedience to God’s plan. Disobedience comes when you fail to follow the unique command God has given to you, even if others are not under the same command. Samson was set apart from birth, and one of God’s instructions was that no razor should ever touch his head. If anyone disregarded this and cut his hair, it would be direct disobedience to God’s command. Likewise, when Manoah’s wife was told not to consume fermented drinks, this instruction was specific to her. Had she decided to ignore it, she would have been living in disobedience, even if others were allowed to drink.

Do you remember when Mary, the mother of Jesus, told the servants at the wedding in Cana, “Whatever He tells you to do, do it”? Those servants could have chosen to ignore Jesus’ instruction to fill the water pots, but by doing so, they would have missed out on witnessing a miracle. The same applies to us today. God often gives personal commands, and obedience to them is crucial. It is not wise to compare yourself to others or gauge your life based on what others are doing. The Bible warns us in 2 Corinthians 10:12, “Those who compare themselves with themselves are not wise.”

Your relationship with God is personal. He speaks to you directly, and His commands for you may not be the same as those given to others. So, stop living life based on what everyone else is doing. You are not like everyone else, and God is calling you to something different. He expects a level of obedience from you that may not apply to those around you. It could be in your workplace, for instance. As a civil servant, just because it’s common practice for others to arrive late doesn’t mean that you should. If God has instructed you to be punctual, disobeying that command would put you at odds with Him, regardless of what others are doing. When God places a demand on your life, it’s not up for negotiation. You must follow His instructions and obey His command because your obedience to His voice matters.

At times, these commands may seem difficult or countercultural, but they are always for your good and the fulfilment of God’s purpose in your life. There will be moments when you feel the urge to conform to what everyone else is doing, but God’s call on your life is different. He desires a deeper level of obedience from you because He has set you apart for something greater. Sometimes, God asks for radical obedience, and that might mean doing things differently from those around you. But remember, your success and fulfilment come from living in alignment with the specific instructions He gives to you.

Therefore, let’s live our lives within the boundaries of God’s specific commands. Trust in His plan and follow through with the obedience that He requires from you. There is no greater joy than walking in the path that God has uniquely prepared for you. So, obey God’s personal command to you with unwavering faith. It is the best thing for you and me!

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