Overcoming the Barrier: Rebuilding Intimacy with God - Isaiah 59:2 Overcoming the Barrier: Rebuilding Intimacy with God - Isaiah 59:2

Overcoming the Barrier: Rebuilding Intimacy with God

But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.

Isaiah 59:2 NIV

God desires His children to have a constant relationship with Him because He never seeks separation from us. He always wants us close. However, despite God’s continuous longing for connection, we often create a barrier that prevents us from maintaining this relationship. This barrier does not come from God, but from us.

Sin creates this barrier, creeping into our lives and disrupting our connection with God. God remains willing to engage with us, but sin prevents us from enjoying the close relationship He desires. When it comes to saving us, God’s power remains unlimited. His arm never falls short in delivering us from harm, and He takes pleasure in protecting us from both physical and spiritual dangers. However, sin blocks the safety of His righteous hand from reaching us.

God desires to hear us every time we speak, and He deeply cares about every detail of our lives. However, sin stands as a barrier that prevents Him from hearing our prayers. When we feel distant from God or think He is not listening, we must examine ourselves. God does not find joy in keeping Himself distant from us. In truth, sin creates the barrier, hiding His face from us and preventing us from experiencing His presence.

God’s purity prevents Him from tolerating iniquity, making sin a wall that separates us from Him. As individuals and as a church, we must actively tear down the barrier of sin that hinders our intimacy with God. This barrier also obstructs the answers to our prayers. If you feel your prayers remain unanswered, examine whether sin stands in the way.

In our journey of faith, we must remove all barriers of sin and cast off any weight that holds us back. By doing so, we maintain our relationship with God, allowing our intimacy with Him to grow as He desires. When we pull down the strongholds of sin, we will truly enjoy the fullness of God’s love, just as He intended.

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