Overcoming Procrastination: Rise Up & Be a Messenger of Hope - 2 Kings 7:10 Overcoming Procrastination: Rise Up & Be a Messenger of Hope - 2 Kings 7:10

Overcoming Procrastination: Rise Up & Be a Messenger of Hope

So they went and called out to the city gatekeepers and told them, “We went into the Aramean camp and no one was there—not a sound of anyone—only tethered horses and donkeys, and the tents left just as they were.”

2 Kings 7:10 NIV

This verse teaches a crucial lesson about the importance of acting promptly when we have valuable information to share. The lepers, upon realizing the good news, did not procrastinate; instead, they immediately set out to spread the message. They wasted no time and swiftly went to share the news, displaying a sense of urgency and determination. This teaches us the importance of prompt action in fulfiling destiny without delay or procrastination.

Procrastination often stems from laziness, which can lead to adverse consequences, as Proverbs 10:4 warns that laziness leads to poverty. Also, in Proverbs 13:4, we learn that a sluggard’s appetite is never satisfied. This emphasised the dangers of procrastination and its effects on our lives.

Therefore, we must rise above laziness and procrastination and align ourselves with God’s expectations for our lives. Many people are awaiting the good news we have to share, and God has a purpose for each of us. However, to fulfil God’s plan, we must act swiftly and decisively, moving from realisation to action without hesitation.

Furthermore, it’s essential to note that while the four lepers only shared the news with the gatekeepers, their message eventually reached the palace. This demonstrates that even if we are not the ones to directly deliver the message to influential figures, our role in spreading the news is crucial. We must not hold back or procrastinate because the ultimate recipient may not hear the news directly from us.

Similarly, the four lepers, despite their condition and limitations, did not delay in sharing the news until they were qualified to enter the city. Tempting as it might be, the lepers didn’t hoard the news for their own benefit. They sought to share it, even though they remained excluded from the city due to their leprosy. Instead, they faithfully broadcasted the message they had been entrusted with, setting an example for us to follow. This teaches us to prioritise the needs of others over personal agendas when sharing good news.

In conclusion, let us not delay or seek personal gain in sharing the good news. We must diligently fulfil our role as messengers of God’s word, without procrastination or selfish motives. Rise from your idleness and embrace God’s call for your life. Be a beacon of light and a messenger of hope, ready to share the good news with those around you.

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